Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Yosemite National Park - Part 2

 Giant trees, here we come!

Day 2 begins with a hike to a grove of Sequoias.

Our guide, showing off a huge cone from the sugar pine tree.
The Native peoples would (and still do, I'd imagine) roast them
and eat the tasty nuts inside.

Fallen behemoth

Momster inside the giant tree.
Due to the climate and altitude, things don't break down and decompose
very quickly, or even at all. This tree has been here for decades.

The enormous Sequoias grow from these tiny pine cones that
contain even tinier seeds. Incredible!
(you can see the seed in his left hand. It looks like a speck of dirt)

Another fallen Sequoia.
The root end.
Me for scale.

This tree has a tunnel drilled through it.
It was dead when the tunnel was put in.
So, at least people didn't sacrifice a precious tree for a novelty.

After a short drive, we start at the trailhead to hike up to May Lake.

UP and up and UP!

May Lake. Filled by snow melt and rain.
It's clear and cold.
And made for a relaxing lunch spot before hiking back down the mountain.

Back down the mountain, we stopped at Tenaya Lake.
After a long morning of hiking, it was time to cool our toes.

We changed into our swim gear and waded in (well some of the group) to
a very chilly lake. Though less cold than May Lake. But colder than the Merced River.
I made myself get all the way in.
However, you will not catch me at a Polar Plunge anytime soon.

Specks of pyrite float in the water, making the sand appear to shimmer.

After the refreshing dip in cool water, we set out for another hike.
I was kind of ready for a flat walk, as we'd been hiking uphill and downhill all day,
so Momster and I opted for a walk in the woods while the rest of the group
took another steep mountain climb.

So pretty.

Still no bear sightings.
Too many mosquitoes here in the marshy spot by the river though.
Got eaten alive by bear-sized mosquitoes.

Sun sets on our last night at camp.

See you soon for Part 3!


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