Sunday, August 22, 2021

Rollin on the River

Knocked a couple more states off the list this month.
However, you'd think I'd totally forgotten that the US has
another side to it. Someday I will need to go East.
Before I dig into the really good stuff, a quick recap of the month of August.

I took a week-long trip that covered about 2100 miles and six states.
Including the tourist town of Jackson Hole. But that wasn't the highlight.
Check back for a deeper dive into everything I saw on my vacation.
Spoiler alert: There was a moose. But I can't say I saw the dark side of it.

Most recently, though, I took my tiny kayak out on the Mississippi River
to take part in a local even called Floatzilla.
It's essentially a big floatilla of canoes and kayaks taking over this
little section of the River for several hours and ending in a small lake
in Rock Island.

My vessel is an inflatable model, an Intex Challenger K1.
It does okay on calm waters. The River wasn't too choppy, thankfully,
because I don't think it could handle anything too rough.
It's stable enough, and after I got the initial tip into the water
out of the way, it was relatively smooth sailing.

It definitely pulls with the wind, so keep it for calm days.
Setup is easy, and the included paddle is decent.

Rawkin on the River.

This was an early picture.
Eventually, a huge collection of the boaters came together for a group picture
in the middle of the lake. It was basically bumper boats.

It's been a really good summer, all things considered.
I earned a yellow belt, travelled a lot, fell out of an airplane,
rode in lots of boats, saw some really beautiful places, and
spent lots of time outside.

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