Sunday, December 6, 2020

Helicopter Ride to the Desert

I rode a helicopter!
This was my view from the front seat.

Do I look okay? Want the helicopter to like me!

My ride to the helicopter terminal. Pretty sweet.

We're airborne!
I flew with Maverick Helicopter Tours
There were four other people, plus the pilot, with me
on this tour. We had our temperature taken before
we left Las Vegas and again before entering into the park from the heliport.
Masks required, of course. 

Harnessed in, headset on, and we have lifejackets attached to our waists
because we will fly over water. No photos allowed during pre-flight so we
can all pay attention to what we need to know for the flight.

Hoover Dam

Lake Mead

I half expect to see dinosaurs roaming around.

I think we've crossed into Arizona now.
Grand Canyon West

It took about an hour and a half to fly from Las Vegas to Grand Canyon West.

Landed at Heliport.
Welcome to Grand Canyon West Rim!



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