Monday, December 21, 2020

December musings

End of year.
Happy Winter Solstice!

Straight up murdered a Gingerdude.

He know what he did.
I'm not sorry.

Too delicious for his own good.
No remorse here.

Recorded a video for Saxophone Christmas.
Virtual this year, as per usual, so it was a quartet of me's.
Check my YouTube channel. It'll be there soon!

Actual picture of the helicopter I rode in!

Goin full-on sparkle for the end of the year!
Pixi and Armani cream sparkle eyeshadows.
And an Essie nail polish in giant confetti glitters for good measure.

Winding down the teaching year. 
Waiting for my student to log into Zoom for her lesson.
Remote teaching is draining, honestly, but at least it's still teaching.
It's been a year of learning curves.

Nicolas Cage. In a banana. On a pillow.
There are those who feel this is a silly purchase.
Those people are wrong!

Digging this album.
Retro soul vibe.

Treated myself to some Flowerbomb.
This ornament was a gift that was sent along with my order.
Inside this bauble is a tiny bottle of Flowerbomb!
After using most of my work bonus towards debt and savings,
I bought a few things.

Honestly, this whole year has been a bit indulgent.
Trip to Mexico to see the whales, the opals, Seattle/Oregon and the
seaplane, the weekend in Vegas, the helicopter ride, the over-priced
perfumes, and I just ordered an inflatable kayak (after watching
for the price to come down, because I didn't want to pay too much
and I noticed the price kept going up and down, so I waited).

Anyway, despite all of that, my overall debt-load has decreased.
Most other plans were cancelled for the year, so I had nothing
better to do but put available funds toward bills.
The interest break on student loans helped me pay down the balance significantly.
It sure goes faster without all that interest.

No, I didn't deny myself too much this year.
I turn 40 next year, and maybe it was my way of coping.
Or it was a reaction to losing everything else I had hoped to do.
In despair, I instead threw everything else I wanted into the void.

I'll probably see you again before year's end, so keep your beak clean till then!


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