Wednesday, May 19, 2021

IndyRawk Part 1

 Hello World!

Finally got myself vaxxed and ready to rejoin the big bad world!

First stop, Indianapolis, Indiana.

As ya do.

After picking up the rental car, a Hyundai Kona I christened the Silver Bubble,
we hit the open highway and immediately forgot that there is a time change
involved as we cross into Indiana.
After getting the time sorted out, we arrived in Indianapolis just in time
to join the last tour of the day at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway,
home of the Indy 500.

The tour included a bus ride around the track, a stop at the finish line bricks,
and a self-guided tour of the museum when we returned from our lap.

Smooch those bricks! 💋

These cars are a tight squeeze! Vroom vroom!

Inside the museum, we saw lots of cars from the history of the racing sport.
There is a short movie to watch too, and lots of racing stars and car technology to
dig into, if you're into that kind of thing.

The older cars were kind of interesting. Their evolution from small
versions of regular cars to the skinny, low to the ground, big wheeled
spidery cars that we see now is neat to see.

A few of the cars are national historic relics.

"Yeah, just check the oil and rotate the tires. I'll be back in an hour."

While I am not much of a racing fan, I did find enough to keep me interested,
and, as this is an important part of the history of this part of the US, I didn't
have a problem taking some time to learn more about it.

After our racing adventure, we found the hotel, had some dinner at
Dick's Last Resort, where we got verbally abused by the salty
servers (by design, of course) and worked out a plan for Day 2.

Race back for Part 2!

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