Monday, May 31, 2021



Finally made it back into Chicago after the Rona Blackout.
It was so nice to be back in the city.
The day began early, to allow time to grab coffee and
drive to the train station to catch the Amtrak into Chicago.

Once I was off the train and out of the station,
I took the Red Line to get to the Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit.
Perfect day to walk around Chicago's neighborhoods.

I had my temperature taken, went through a quick security check, then
into the exhibit hall. I arrived just as the previous show loop was ending, so I
settled down into an open circle on the floor and took it all in.

Basically, Van Gogh's images are brought to life by animation
Some pictures move a bit, some are gradually brought into realization 
with animated brushstrokes, some are illuminated piece by piece.
As you watch the paintings come alive,
you are treated to a wonderful soundtrack of a selection of
music, broadcast all around you in surround sound.

You are given a cushion to sit on while you attend the show.
Just return it when you're ready to leave!

With the soundtrack enhancing the experience, it was really very moving.
Thinking about how Van Gogh died basically penniless and never knowing
how beloved his work was to become. 

Strategically placed mirrors contribute to the images saturating the space.

Starry Starry Selfie station.

The whole space was filled with artwork.
You really are inside the paintings.
This is the stairwell.

Puns abound.

After the exhibit, I rode the subway back into the Loop and found a
cute little sushi spot for some lunch.
Very tasty!
And just what I needed because I was hungry after
travelling and walking around all morning.

Take me away Red Line!

Stopped in a cool record shop.
Found a few good things to take home,
including a Velvet Underground record and
a Tin Machine CD.

Walked into Millennium Park to enjoy the nice
weather. Strolled through the Lurie Garden.

Had lots of afternoon left before I had to catch the train home,
so stopped into a local coffee place for some caffeine, then
headed towards the Lake.

Spent some time watching the boats in the harbor and hanging with the
lake crew. 🦆🦆🦆

Soon it was time to head home.

I've been to the top of this building (Willis (Sears)) Tower once before,
but now I just use it as a landmark when I need to navigate myself.

A lovely day in one of my favorite cities.
Glad to see it come back alive after the year of the Rona.
I'll be back in about a month for another visit.
Till then, don't miss your train!

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