Sunday, April 25, 2021

Macarons, Pith Helmets, and Iggy Pop


When can I go somewhere?!
In two weeks I get to go somewhere!
I haven't been anywhere of interest since I went to Vegas for the helicopter ride.
Road trip countdown has begun, and hopefully
this blog will have more to offer you, the few but faithful, dear readers.

I found a pith helmet! Can't really explain why I wanted one, but here we are.
It's very light, made from cork and covered in fabric.
Really into the whole safari style right now.
This hat will go well with my field jacket and safari vest.
I think it's time for me to research trips to Africa for an animal safari adventure...
Got my first shot.
Doin it for the herd!
Second Pfizer jab this week.

Ordered some macarons from a company called makarohn.
They arrived from their journey unbroken, and after
following the serving directions I tasted a few. 
Pretty tasty. Can't wait to dig into the 
Cinco de Mayo collection I also ordered. 
The ones in the picture are from the 
Best Seller box.

Made some banana walnut carrot muffins.
They turned out okay.
I'm really not much of a baker.
As evidence of the state of the kitchen every time I attempt
to bake anything. It's a whole production, let me tell you.

I can, however, cook up some decently tasty veggie dishes though.
Look at those colours!

Iggy Pop's birthday was April 21.
To celebrate, the Iggy Pop people (and, I assume, Jim himself)
streamed a show he did in 2019 in Sydney, Australia.

He's still impressively agile for a 70+ year old man who's 
lived through more debauchery than I'll ever imagine.

Sam Turtle is anything but slow when there's salad to eat.
Must be the springtime munchies, because she's been ravenous lately.
Hungry turtles are happy turtles!

Get your vaccine, don't be a Covidiot, and eat your veggies.

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