Saturday, June 5, 2021

How to Accessorize with Hats and Belts!

Well, besides the race cars and Van Gogh and Rawkin in Cleveland, 
what else has been going on?

I virtually finished my virtual swim across the English Channel.
The pool I swam the miles in was real though.

The race swag arrived.

This hat will be useful to run in the sun.
SPF and sun protection are necessary gear.

At last got myself on stage again.
First official gig back from Rona lockdown was on a Saturday
 night cruise on the local Riverboat.
Felt great to get back in the game.
The stage was tiny and on a boat, but it was still a stage.
However, I seriously need to go through my reeds and
weed out the ones I can't trust in a performance.

Found this cool bush hat.
G'day Mate!

I earned my yellow belt in kuk sool won! 💪
My only goal was to get out of white belt and I did it!
I think I will continue and learn more until I either don't
have time to attend class anymore, or decide that I've had enough.
But now I get to learn more stuff and work towards
green stripes, and maybe even a green belt.

Part of the test was board breaking.
I broke this board with my hand!
I broke a second one with a kick.
They let me keep the wood pieces.
Maybe I'll make something out of them...

Sharing some PB&J with the adorable featherface.
Don't worry, it's a low-sugar, natural peanut butter,
nothing bird-dangerous PB&J.
Only the best for my little homies.

When it rains it pours, schedule-wise
Had a mid-day gig with a local group, who needed a reed player to sit in for a job.
I got the call, so I packed up the horns and drove to 
Aledo, Illinois to play a set with the River City 6 at the
Rhubarb Fest.

Tools of the trade.

And live theatre returns with a two week run in a local theatre.
We are playing You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown.
You know, the little round-headed kid with the pet beagle.
Nice way to ease back in and knock off the rust.
(This is at least the second time I've played this show.)
It's been over a year since I've been in a theatre pit.

Break a leg!

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