Monday, October 24, 2022

Hobbling Pumpkins


The year of the boot.

I do not like the boot.
Sure, it has a purpose, and I wore it for the whole week, but
I wasn't happy about it.
My ankle is stiff at the end of the day and I can't feel the floor and
going up and down stairs requires a whole lot of concentration.

Oh, well. I'm on the mend I think.

The bruises are fading, the swelling has gone down, I feel a bit more
stable walking, and there's less pain overall.

And I still managed to get a few things done.

On Saturday, I gave some clarinet lessons, hopped on the Riverboat
to play one last cruise gig of the season. I wrapped my foot in a bandage and went sans boot.
It's tough enough getting around the boat without also managing a walking boot.

Lovely day for a boat cruise. Last nice weekend of the season.
Then I went uptown to drop in at one of my clarinet student's 
birthday party. It was his 70th birthday and he was kind enough to
invite me to the festivities. 

Then, because I was already out I went to a local mead bar to
watch another friend play his guitar.

Got a flight to sample.
A dry mead (tasty, not too sweet)
Pineapple, Black Currant, Strawberry, and a Coffee mead.
Good selections. Now when I go back I know what'll I'll like to sip.

Ended up hanging out for a while, talking with my friend
and checking out the new spots downtown.

The next morning, I pulled myself out of bed (I hadn't really slept very
well the night before, but I can't let myself stop sometimes) and
pulled my bag of bones out to Credit Island for the Pumpkin Dash.

I had registered for the 8K course, two loops around the park.
But injury has slowed me down, so I ended up switching to the 4K and
just slowly walked around the loop.
It was a very nice morning for a walk.
I watched three deer go running past, probably spooked by the 
crowd of runners ahead of me. 

It really was a nice morning to be outside.
And I am glad that I made myself go through with the race, 
even it I ended up with my slowest race time ever.

Honestly, I didn't really feel very happy at the end.
Watching everyone else jog or run past me was depressing.
I know it's good to pay attention to what your body is telling you,
and I did the right thing by slower and shorter, but I still felt insignificant.
I couldn't even walk as fast as I normally do, so even my walk
time was slower than it would have been.

But the only way forward is to go through it, so I will do 
what is necessary to get myself back in the game.
I need to review a lot of Kuk Sool stuff before I can go back in.
It's surprising what you can forget if you don't practice often.
And I can't go back into class until the ankle feels sturdy enough.
Don't want to risk a reinjury by going back too soon.

In the meantime, Halloween is coming up!
Get your ghoulies ready!

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