Thursday, October 6, 2022

Smashing through September

 September was a sleeper.
Started off quiet, ended with a bang.

Started off with some home projects and video editing.

Polished up the space for a bit of a housewarming party.

Some lovely friends came over, and brought some lovely gifts.

Training for the half marathon...

...even in a rainstorm. Because those miles don't run themselves.

Freshen yer drink, mister?

Met Audrey Too chilling out in the stairwell of a local theater.
Lookin good Audrey Too!

Had a great weekend at the Mothman Festival.
Momster met Sasquatch.

Got home from West Virginia and was immediately thrown into
saxophone lessons and the rehearsal week for a production of "The Producers".

The band is in the choir loft. It's wild.

The canna lily bulb I planted earlier this year finally flowered.
So pretty. I'll dig up the bulbs and try to winter them to grow again next year.

Finally earned my green belt rank in Kuk Sool Won class.

The new windows arrived.

Tearing the house apart to replace two worn out windows.
Good lord, windows are expensive. 
I'll be eating cheap noodles for months.

The parrot was hunkered down in the bathroom.

I finally got to the theatre to see the new David Bowie documentary.
"Moonage Daydream"

I saw it twice actually! LOL
Snuck in a second viewing just before it was scheduled to leave the 
local theatre. Loved it. 
I thought it was a fitting representation of his life's work.
His stage personas and projects meshed together,
one idea overlapping the next, because a person's life is rarely linear.
Obsessive fans, like myself, will probably catch the references,
movie clips, songs and notable area performances.
The segment on the 90s really was a fairly accurate
encapsulation of the 90s. All over-edited, over-stimulated, and loud.
However, there was no reference to Tin Machine, and only a glancing
reference to anything he did in the late 80s, or the 2000s up until Blackstar.
Still, I enjoyed it and do recommend it to any Bowie fan.

Fueling up for October.
Organizing the calendar and solving problems.


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