Sunday, November 6, 2022

Halloween 2022

 Another Halloween in the books.

My foot has improved a lot since the injury. Its' been almost 4 weeks since I busted it,
and it's feeling a lot better; the swelling is almost gone, the bruises are faded, and
I can walk comfortably again. Still being careful not to overstretch or twist.
The fracture is still in the healing stage, so I'm taking care not to re-injure.

But a bit of a sore foot won't keep me away from what I want to do.
There's always a way, even if you need to modify your plans.

Got my ballot mailed in.
Hopefully, this isn't the last free and fair election I'll ever get.
The empire is crumbling. The tyrants are advancing.
And women are always the first on the chopping block.

A local group performed the entire Sgt. Pepper's album live. 
The second half of the show was a set of selected Beatles' tunes.
There were horn parts and string parts and a rubber chicken was involved.
It was an interesting experience.
And I got to be onstage for a change, instead of being
pushed up in the choir loft, up on a bridge, or backstage with a microphone.

Will you still need me, will you still feed me
When I'm sixty-four!

And an opportunity for some backstage selfies.
We had some extra downtime.

So I poked around a bit and explored the catwalk.
Don't worry, I didn't touch anything. I don't think I'd be able to
put any of the pulleys or curtains back to where they were if I touched anything.

Stairwell Jesus?

Then it was time for some Halloween fun.

I wrapped up the foot, and donned my zombie gear for the
inaugural Village Zombie Run with Momster, my nephew, and Marsha.

It was another run downgraded to a walk, but this 5K was actually walked
a bit faster than the previous weekend's 4K pumpkin dash-walk. In
other words, I walked the longer distance quicker than the shorter distance.

This year, my costume is the ever-fascinating Jacque Cousteau. 
A couple months ago, I watched a great documentary called "Becoming Cousteau"
all about him and what he achieved. I was so impressed, I decided to be
Jacque for Halloween.

After a last minute gig, my friends and I put on our costumes and went out
for some spooky fun.

Squidly joined me as an aquatic prop.
We had some mead, a cocktail at the local distillery, some delicious Ethiopian food for 
dinner and ended the night at the arcade bar.

I've never played 4-player PacMan before.
It was really fun!

A pirate, a jellyfish, Jacque Cousteau, and a space cowboy.
Good times.

Then Halloween night.
Trick or treaters are out and about and I get to
hand out treats from my very own front porch.

I gave away about half my supply, and the kids were great.

Craft brewers are out of control. 🍺

Do I want to smell like Italian dressing? 

And, finally, my Christmas cactus is blooming!
Very exciting!
I think I've only had one other cactus develop a flower.
A good sign that the cactus family likes this window.

I got my flu shot and covid booster taken care of.
The car made it into the shop for an oil change and maintenance.
And November is fully upon us.
Another week off of fight club, then try to return. Turkey Trot is coming up.
And some music events.
Let's go get'em.

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