Sunday, April 4, 2021

If I run I get to eat Donuts


...5, 6, 7, 8!

Happy Easter!

Started the day with a 4 mile walk/jog.
Running season starts soon. 
And the pool was closed so I couldn't swim the virtual English Channel 
if I wanted to.
The weather was great though, and it felt pretty good to
finally get out and stretch the legs.

And because I did some running, and it's a holiday,
I popped into the donut shop for a sugary treat.
I really don't get donuts too often.

Strawberry shortcake and the remains of a coconut cream donut.
The remaining morsel was eventually put out of its lonely misery.

Some day drinking. Expresso beer it is!

Sprucing up the hair colour and a face mask.
The lengths women go through to not look like a bag of potatoes, I tell ya.

Here comes the Easter Skelly, with bourbon and donuts to celebrate
the day! 

Meal-prepped for the week, washed up the dishes, did a bit 
of cleaning and prepared a jacket I'd sold to be shipped to
its new owner.

New month, new focus. April will be for setting into place plans
for travel starting in May. Many things are set, but a few reservations
are left to be made, including flights to San Francisco.

And, excitingly, on Tuesday I have scheduled my first Covid vaccine dose.
Happy to do my part for the herd!

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