Thursday, January 28, 2021

Winter Blues got me like

 It's been a rough past couple of weeks.

Winter blues hittin me hard.

Seasonal depressions is not fun.
All I want to do is sleep.
And I have ideas and stuff, but no motivation to do anything.

But I feel like the sadness is lifting in time to close out the "Monday of the Year".
Blah, January.

For me, January is a great time to go through the house and 
toss out anything that will not be going forth into the new year with me.
Or replace old, worn out stuff.
Let's start with the closet.

Give the floor a good hoovering.
Mmmm...years of shoe and clothes dust...

Cleared out a few things, wiped down the shelves, and reorganized.

Pickle chips?

OH, pickle chips.
It's pickles. Sliced pickles.
Pretty tasty though.

The Great January Purge moves on to the bookshelves!
Already culled out about a box-full, with a few shelves left to go through.

Found a good version of the Bernie in Mittens meme.

And my own pair of sparring mitts arrived in the mail.
Ready to punch and kick my way to that Yellow Belt!

Okay, so I really need to shake off the dust and get myself 
lurching forward into what is now Pandemic 2: Vaccination Boogaloo. 

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