Thursday, January 14, 2021

2021 Begins, part 2


Still with me?

Got off to a bit of a somber start.
Let's try again.

The whole "new year, new me" thing isn't really my style.
An arbitrary demarcation of time isn't a good way to suddenly
try to be a new person. What's wrong with your current person?
Sure, we all have flaws and issues to deal with, but you
as a person shouldn't need to be completely tilled up and turned over
every 365 days for no other reason than the calendar says so.
I prefer to approach the new year as an opportunity to re-evaluate what
worked for me over the last year, and what can be 
adjusted, changed or removed.

So what's on my list?

I like that I've started to really go after what I want.
I did a better job of recognizing what I want to do and the kind of
person I want to be and taking the steps I needed to in order to
get closer to those goals.

I think my discipline level is okay, but judging from the stack of
unfinished projects staring at me, I definitely have some room
for improvement there. Maybe cut back on the YouTube videos...
So that will be my grind for this year: Finish more stuff.

What will you do this year to bring yourself closer to your true self?

Anyway, enough of the cheesy nonsense. Let's get things rolling!

I planned to go to Mardi Gras this year. It's on my list.

✅  "Go to the Mardi Gras"

I want to see the world's greatest street party before I die or before
New Orleans sinks into the ocean. Whichever comes first.
But the parades were cancelled due to COVID so I am not
going this year. Next year will be my Mardi Gras!

So, anyway, I got a box of Mardi Gras goodies from a shop in the
Big Easy called Dirty Coast. I've ordered a few t-shirts from them
in the past, with good reviews. Their box includes:

A candle that smells like King Cake

Some pins.

A rubber cup (won't break if you drop it!) to take the
drink to-go so you can sip on it while imagining the debauchery on Bourbon Street. 

Hot sauce. A culinary essential.

A personal size King Cake. Yum!

Beads. Of course. 
These are pretty!


A tote bag to hold your swag.
Or whatever it is you need to tote around.

A postcard and merit badges.
And a paper crown. Because everyone is the King this year.

So let's go get 'em!
Take no prisoners. Show no mercy!
Take a look at your dreams and take steps to go after them,
in whatever way that makes sense to you.
Make a list of what you want, then another list of ways to get it.
So, again, I say: Don't waste time!
But more exuberantly!


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