Monday, March 2, 2020

February is a month that happens

So, we made it through February.
A bit of radio silence on my end.
Dealing with the emotional fall out due to a poor decision on my part, 
and just getting through the winter months.

My attempt to be extra frugal in February was somewhat successful.
I did spend some money, but I also managed to pay off a good chunk of debt.
Try again in March, I guess?

Valentine's flowers from my Valentine!
So sweet, thank you my dear!

Packed up 2 more boxes of stuff to give away.
I plan to purge out another box to join these two in the donation pile for 
the local Unitarian church rummage sale. But for now, this is pretty good.


I got my 80s fix while playing in a local production of
The Wedding Singer. Many years ago, I decided that the fashion from the 80s was just awful, so, as a result, I have very little in the way of stuff that will pass for style from that decade. So this is what I came up with.

I'm all over the Angry rock and roll though! Gotta work through the emotions!

What the hell is this?!
I am so confused! Am I supposed to drink this in the morning, 
because of the coffee, or after work, because it's alcohol? 
It actually tastes pretty good though, so...I'll allow it.

Started to pull together stuff for my upcoming, and much awaited whale trip to San Ignacio.
Bought a new camera (has it really been nearly five years since I got my Fuji digital?), picked up a book from the recommended reading list and have begun the packing process by basically piling up all the stuff I plan to take with me that I will then need to figure out how to cram into a small carry-on bag.
The typical, pre-trip checklist.

Got to wear this snazzy blue blazer for The Wedding Singer performance.

Judged saxophone solos in a science room, with this skull for an audience. It didn't say much, and didn't seem to bother the students' performances.

I found the baby in the King Cake! I did bring the cake in to share, but
I promise I didn't look for the baby. I found it fair and square.
And it's a good omen! I've decided to make the trip to New Orleans next year
to experience Mardi Gras! Can't wait!

And, finally, this adorable tiny Bowie arrived in the mail. 

Like A-lego-in Sane?

Isn't he cute? Complete with red hair, Life on Mars? outfit,
microphone for singing the hits, and the Hunky Dory album!

As I have now been sufficiently bored to pieces,
I'm very ready for March to blow up.

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