Sunday, December 16, 2018

Puppet Progress

The Puppet Project rages on.

Puppet heads are hard to make. Or, at least, if you want it
to look like anything decent, it is hard to make. I'm quite confident
I could produce a crappy-looking puppet in an afternoon.
This way I am creating a slightly less crappy-looking 
puppet over the course of a month.

After the previous not-so-great attempt at putting some 
skin on the foam head, I needed to try again.


This is the first try. I've ripped out the bad looking part and
am trying to salvage what I've made before perhaps completely redoing it. 
Maybe better looking stitches will help? And more coffee. Coffee will help too.
The mouth is definitely the puzzling part.
Which is why I am saving that for last.

In order to feel like I'm not just spinning my wheels, I took a
break from the head to work on my puppet's suit jacket.
Which was another puzzle.
Clothes are hard.

I hopped onto Google images and looked for suit jacket patterns.
While that wasn't super helpful, because patterns are a lot of the time something
 you need to pay for it did give me some ideas
about the details needed for a nice suit jacket.
And it still took me over three hours to make! There was
much sketching, stitching, (and un-stitching), and a redesign
of the collar and lapels to come up with this.  
It does have a cartoon quality about it though,
which I like.

This morning I sewed up some hands. Well, these will have to
pass for hands anyway. It's my first puppet, so don't judge too harshly.
And if you do I'll have the Headless Puppet slap you with its floppy hands!

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