Sunday, July 21, 2024

I am the Mouse Killer


I got this on a T-shirt.
I don't really do crack, I just thought it was funny.

Speaking of T-shirts.
I have way too many, as do most folks, so I've
been systematically going through all of them.
My task is to wear each one, then wash it and set it aside.
Once all of the T-shirts are worn and washed, I will put them all
back into the drawers.
If I run across one that I just don't want to wear or can't find an
occasion to wear it (with the exception of the vintage collectibles)
the shirt will go into the donate bag.
A strategy of accountability, I guess.

The first big show of the year.
In the pit for 1776, a musical from the 60s about the lead up
to the writing of the Declaration of Independence.
It's a long show, with more talky bits than music, but it is
an entertaining show. And the music is fun!

Stay hydrated, kids!

Enjoying some Riverfront pelican action.

This is a Rooster Poop shot.
I've been playing at the Oxford Junction dance hall
for many years and this is my first taste of the famous OJ Rooster Poop.
It's creme de menthe and whisky (someone mixed their mint with Jaeger)
Like a candy cane.
I sipped mine.

Ein Prosit!

Then was treated to a lovely sunset view in the rural countryside.


Last meal at Taste of Ethiopia.
My favorite restaurant in town closed.
So I ordered the coffee that I've been meaning to
try, but haven't for some reason on my last meal.
It's so good!
I usually like some cream in my coffee, but the Ethiopian
brew is lightly spiced and so tasty, I didn't really miss the cream.

The Catfish Jazz Society board had a meeting in the
old Kahl Mansion in Davenport.
It is now an apartment building.
After the meeting, a few of us took a short tour of the main rooms.

I love old buildings.
Especially well-built and grand old buildings.
This is the view from the porch, that is now closed in, but
you can see where the original front entrance used to be.

Built in the 1920s.

What a view!

This was originally the outside porch, but has now been enclosed.
You can still see the gutters along the new outside wall.

Working on some rock band tunes.

Happy 4th of July!

The rock band played a set at the Bettendorf July 4th street party.
The other horn player was playing elsewhere that day, so it
was just me holding down the horn lines.

The gig went pretty well.
We got through our set without any trainwrecks.
We're on our way to getting a full gig booked.
Maybe by the end of the year.

Oh, hello!

The world was annoying me, so I went out to get some nature.

Took in some trails at my favorite local park.

Om NOm Nom nommm

Playing with the camera settings on my phone.

Fun with timers.

So calming and relaxing.
Even with the bugs.

My parents used to have a huge stack of National Geographic magazines
that I really enjoyed going through when I was a kid at home.
There was one issue that I remember being particularly fascinated with.
It was a story of a woman riding camels across the Australian Outback by herself.
Kinda wish I could find a copy of that issue now. I think my parents got rid of all 
of those magazines.
Anyway, I looked up the story again recently, and discovered that the woman who
made the trip had written an memoir about it.
I'm nearly halfway into the book and I love it as much as the Nat Geo story,
except it doesn't have the pictures I remember.

In 1977, Robyn Davidson rode a small pack of camels from Alice Springs to the
West coast of Australia.
By herself, joined periodically only by a photographer for Nat Geo.
I'm in awe of her grit and tenacity.
Truly inspiring.
I'm glad I took the time to look up the story.

Happy birthday to me!
A Lychee martini.

I'm a year older again.

Got a ticket to The Wallflowers at the newly renovated
Capital Theatre.
First time back at the theatre since it closed, was purchased and
re-opened as the beautiful theatre it was meant to be.

Opening band Silverada.
Kind of a hipster cowboy vibe.
They were really good.
I like their tunes.

Wore my Here Come the Mummies t-shirt that I got 
at the show earlier this year.
Working it through the T-shirt system.

I fully appreciate that the new owners left so much of the theatre intact.


I remember the Wallflowers mostly as a band I heard on the radio a lot
when I was in high school. So it was partly out of 90s nostalgia that I
snagged a ticket to the show.
But the musicianship is solid, and the band sounds great!
It was a good concert.

Yet another rock band gig. A week after the July 4 job.
This time it's a three hour set at bike night on the Illinois side.

The other horn player was with us this time, so I had some help.

Another weekend get away to the nearby Maquoketa Caves State Park.

A hot and humid day, but inside the caves was cool.

Hot and sweaty.
But having a good time in the woods!

Such a gem in the middle of rural Iowa.

Ugh. Good morning. I guess. Gawd.
Here I am summoning the will to go into werk.

Apparently, Davenport had a wee tornado come through town.
Luckily, there was no report of anyone being injured or killed,
and while I saw numerous trees and branches taken down by the winds, 
it seems that damage was minimal

Screaming Pines itself was fine. The path of the tornado was north of me.
Got some wind and sideways rain though.

And, today, prior to sitting down to write this long overdue post,
I personally killed a mouse that was creeping along the living room.
I had suspected there was a mouse, and had set a rat trap (it's all I have
at the moment) to try to catch it.

It had ignored the tasty peanut butter rat trap, but I saw it
creeping slowly along the living room wall, behind the TV stand.
I managed to crush it with the Kuk Sool boards I keep behind the TV.
I can't believe it worked!

And then, when I determined that the little bugger was indeed ded,
I scooped it up on a dustpan and tossed it outside.

Ewwww! yuck, ick, gross, icky. Givin me the willies.
But there is one less rodent in Screaming Pines.

I am the Mouse Killer.

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