Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Sharp Dressed Simple Hamster Mobile

Back to werk after mini-vacay.
Saving money for the next trip.

Back to work in more ways than the obvious.
The week after my return from New Mexico was busy.
The new rock band had a test gig at a local open mic night.
I think I unintentionally set my instrumentation at tenor and soprano saxophones.
It went pretty well. No trainwrecks and we started and stopped together.

Then, a few days later I was on the stage again for a dance gig in Iowa City.
It was a good time! The dancers were a fun group.

Then this thing was blown off of the Whale on the drive to Iowa City.

I finally  organized my insurance benefits and took the car in to get the bumper 
fixed from the rear-end crash.
And, while it was there, I ordered the replacement part for this pillar.
I found it on Amazon dot com and, after the car was
returned to me from the repair shop, I snapped the new cover on. 
A fairly easy operation.
It's held so far, but the real test is the highway, I suppose.

All better. 🩹

So the vehicle is restored to its pre-crash condition, I am out
my $500 deductible, and the insurance company now gets to
fight the other insurance company for reimbursement.
Insurance death match 2024

Anyway, the long week after returning home from New Mexico didn't end with
my own gigs. For Christmas, I had given Momster tickets to the ZZ Top/Lynyrd Skynyrd show
in Moline. She took me along for her second ticket and we rocked all night.

ZZ Top opened the show.
Good musicianship.

Then Skynyrd took the stage and ran through the hits.

The drummer was wearing a Blackstar shirt. Neato!

Billy Gibbons returned for a duo.
The sharp dressed simple men!

Some mirror ball action with the Free Bird encore!

Went out for some trail hiking the next morning.

Threatening skies.
This is tornado country.
I really need to figure out how to stop the leaking above the
front door every time we get a heavy rainstorm.

One of Zuri's tiny feathers.
So sweet! Awwww

Momster gave me some Peeps when she and Dad visited for Easter.
I ate them in installments.
The final few went for a swim in my yogurt.

Still working through the stack of books.
The latest is Vile Bodies by Evelyn Waugh
and this autobiography by the great jazz trumpeter, Miles Davis.

And, last but not least, happy two years at Screaming Pines!
It's not a perfect house (believe me) but it's perfect for me.
The parrot and turtle have a safe place to live.
It's worth its weight in rent control.
Even with the problems, I prefer it to living beneath any landlord.
And I do plan to get the roof fixed after I sell off a spare kidney.


Birthday party!


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