Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Khama Rhino Sanctuary


All aboard the overlander!
After leaving Joburg, and driving for a couple of hours, we were nearing the
South Africa/Botswana border.

A stop for some fuel.

We crossed into Botswana over the Limpopo River,
at Grobler's Bridge.

Trucks were lined up for at least a mile.
We were told that due to inspections, sometimes
it can take several days for a truck driver to get through the border.

We didn't have to wait in the truck line, but we still had to go through
two immigration check points.
The first to have our passports stamped for exiting South Africa,
then we had to walk through a shoe disinfection station, then into
another check point to have our passports stamped for
entry into Botswana.

While we wait for our turn, let's take a look at some snacks
I picked up at the grocery store.
Fruit juices are popular. This was pretty tasty.

These Tinkies are a better tasting Twinkie.
The cake isn't greasy and the filling has more flavour.

Why do Americans let food companies get away with 
giving us such crappy snacks? I demand tastier junk food!

Welcome to Botswana!

The hornbills were my favorite.
Such personality. 

After we all were permitted entrance into Botswana at passport control, 
we walk a little ways down the road for a lunch stop. We all had some
food and snacks with us for lunch. It was windy, and occasionally we
got some sand in our face.

Botswana has no fences to speak of, so the animals,
both livestock and wild, roam around by themselves.

Before leaving the gas station, I went inside to use the bathroom,
and advertised on the specials board was roast wildebeest.
I thought about snapping a picture, but didn't want to be rude.
So you'll just have to believe me on this one.

Our destination for the day was the Khama Rhino Sanctuary.
Named after Serestse Khama, Botswana's first president.

There are approximately 40 rhinos in the preserve, protected from
poachers by armed guards (we saw two of them) and perimeter fencing.

Not just rhinos. There are lots of animals roaming around the sanctuary.
Giraffes, antelopes, springboks, zebras.
And lots of birds.

We stopped at this open spot to watch the large male on the left
try to keep the female and baby from leaving the area.
He stamps his feet and kicked up a lot of dust to discourage them from leaving.

After some time watching the dramatic trio of rhinos, we drove around
to see if we could spot some more.

These two boys were wandering around together.
We watched them cross the road, then they stopped to eat
something from the ground. Everybody got so quiet and we watched
them for several minutes. For a moment, it was so quiet that all we
heard was the sound of rhinos munching.
It was magical!

Back at camp, we got ourselves ready for dinner at the campfire.
My headlamp was super useful for camping.
It has a red light option, which I'd never really considered before
until I realized that it's so much easier on the eyes.
There are occasions when you need light, but a bright white
is just too harsh. That's when a red light is helpful.

Safari chic.

Stay hydrated!

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