Sunday, January 1, 2023

Bonjour 2023


I have the new year calendars, so it must be a new year.

I have been learning a bit more about the history of the Christmas season.
Christmas, as we know it, is actually very recent, and the war on Christmas
began well over 300 years ago by the Puritans. Like an actual war on Christmas,
not the "woe is me" self-inflicted persecution act you see from
people who completely ignore the fact that no one has actually told
them to stop celebrating Christmas, but they feel offended when they
have to be reminded that there are 8 billion people on the planet
and some of those other 8 billion people have different beliefs. 

Anyhoo, I have learned a bit about why the winter celebration happens in the first place.
People are sad and bored in the cold, dark months.
And, historically, it is a time when people could slaughter their animals,
drink the beer they'd made from the grain harvest, and go around and
let loose a bit. So, people were goofy on meat and beer and decided
to make some merry. In small villages, it usually wasn't a problem, 
but as communities and towns grew, and some of the revelers
got a bit too extreme with their reveling, the local busybodies
decided it was time to step in.
Instead of just establishing some safety-for-all ground rules, the
Puritanical faction decided to just ban Yuletide fun altogether, 
and that just didn't go over well.
As you can imagine.

Why not let off some steam before resuming the grind that
is surviving in this flawed society? 
So, I've taken this to heart, and have spent the past several weeks making as
much merry as I can allow myself.
After using a chunk of the end of year work bonus towards sensible things,
like debts and savings and bills and flute repairs, I used some to buy gifts and to buy
a few things that I really don't need, but just wanted. Some crazy money.
A weird feeling, but very fun. 
I made sure to cover my bases before going nuts, because I'm just a 
bit too much of a control freak to let myself go that recklessly.

Cold vortex came through before Christmas Eve, so I got to test my
new hat and shovel the snow off the sidewalk.

We had a long weekend off of work for Christmas, which landed on a weekend this year,
so, after doing errands in the frigid cold, I stopped in at my favorite Ethiopian restaurant
and had some tasty lentil soup for lunch. Warmed me right up.


Then I made some hot buttered rum, because I'd never had it before.
The little gingerbread marshmallow Peep didn't stand a chance and melted
into the hot water.

Drove home to the farm for Christmas with the family.
Helped feed the cows.
Santa cows?

Hung out with Momster's dogs.

We managed to get in the Christmas Day walk, despite the frigid cold.

Was well bundled up. And I jogged a bit and that helped to warm up.

Zuri got her bird cookie when I got back home. 
Treats for everyone!

Tried out the new air fryer that I'd won at the work holiday party.
Kinda neat. It made my burrito hot and toasty.

Another walk in the cold, but this time to the nearby museum.

I've always been fascinated with Ancient Egypt. So much that my first tattoo was
an ankh. I always visit the mummy when I'm at the Putnam Museum.

This, apparently, is my name in hieroglyphics.

I went to the museum to see a screening of The Polar Express.
Another film I'd just ignored years ago when it came out, and have heard
a lot about, but haven't seen. I remember reading the book though.
It was playing at the large screen in the museum, so I checked it out.

Look, I know a lot of people like this movie a lot, but it's just terrifying.
The animation is uncanny valley nightmare fuel, and Tom Hanks'
many characters are all just absolutely horrifying. I was legitimately
uncomfortable halfway through and it took effort to make myself stay and
watch the whole thing. It gave me serious horror flick vibes, is what
I'm saying. Not a fan.
And, just what am I supposed to B E L I E V E?

Also, the train kept changing. In some shots it had only five cars, 
and in other shots it had well over ten cars.

Saw a great sunset after the show though.

Little birdie tracks in the snow. Awww.

I made a semi-traditional holiday feast, entirely vegetarian,
complete with a tofurkey roast.
Turned out pretty tasty.

The broken foot is healed enough to resume running for real.
Getting some miles on the indoor track at the YMCA.
Feels good. 
I can work on getting strength and flexibility back.

Some feathered friends working out a stickball game on the softball field?

And now it's 2023.
Shared some bubbly with a visiting friend, then lounged around the rest of 
the night, finished reading a book, watched some TV, then moisturized and got some sleep.

It's been a tradition for me for many years to start a new book on New Year's Day.
Because I'd finished the last one yesterday, it was perfect timing to start this one.
And sets a theme for the year.

2022 was pretty good. I went to Mardi Gras, bought an entire house, travelled to new places,
checked two more states off of my list, saw DMB for the tenth time, went up in a hot air
balloon, and experienced the madness that is the Mothman Festival.
Even with a few set backs, it's been good.

I've already started working on plans for this year.

Let's go get'em Antelopes!

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