Sunday, November 27, 2022


Happy T-Gives, y'all!

Last couple of weeks have been busy.
I attended the soft opening of Comedy Sportz as a guest
of a client appreciation night hosted by the company who
helped me buy Screaming Pines (the house, remember?)

The next day it was off to rehearsal for the reunion Project Pickle Farm gig!

We assembled the night before the show to review the tunes and
to make sure we remembered all the notes.

It was a good gig. The dress code was Hawaiian shirts, as you can see.

Hanging with the pickled crew. Always a good time.
Some of the bestest people you'll ever meet!

See y'all next year? 

Gettin some werk done.
Music to review, blog posts and videos to edit, piano and ukulele to practice.
My office studio is still sort of a work in progress, but it's getting better.
Trying to make the space work for me. 
It's been great having a studio to teach out of and to
practice in again. 

My cactus is blooming!
So exciting! I think this is the first cactus flower I've gotten to grow.
And I've had the cactus family for many years now. They like their window, apparently.

The tabs currently open on my Internet browser:

⦿Bank website
⦿"are blue eyes more sensitive to light than dark eyes?"
⦿The Blood Drinkers (a painting, based on a real life thing!)
⦿the man who ate his own foot
⦿Baobab trees
⦿The Singing Detective (TV series)
⦿double-headed eagle
⦿Phenomenon (the 1996 movie)
⦿Local movie showtimes 
⦿A Moveable Feast (the Hemingway novel)

Don't try to make sense of it.
I'm a curious person with an internet connection.
I am unstoppable.

Despite my late night at the rawkin Pickle gig, I managed
to pull myself together and play some jazz in at the last Catfish Jazz
jam session of the year.

I returned to martial arts class. Carefully.
Don't want to reinjure. The foot is feeling much better,
though still a bit stiff and tender, so I will be gentle with
it until I feel like it has healed completely.
Ice and rest! And some stretching and strength exercise.

Finished my first Africa-centered book. 
In preparation for next year's adventure.
I'm going to Africa for 11 days!
I have a million things to get organized before August,
and though it seems like a long time from now, it will
come around faster than I think. 

This book is great. I do recommend. 
It's a good warm up for the heavier history and wildlife books I have in the reading list.
Some of the stories are very funny, and the story of how Botswana became
a country is a wonderfully endearing love story.

Stand back. I have a drill!

There are several small details in this house that were done sort of
half-assed fashion. Good enough, but not great.
So I went to the hardware store, picked up $9.00 in hardware 
and whole-assed the shower curtain rod, which was, up till now, just a tension
rod resting on the tub lip. 

Now the shower curtain isn't dragging on the floor!
Took me ten minutes and less than ten dollars.
I used the tension rod, and gave it a proper fitting.

Had some apples slowly wasting away in the fridge.
So it's time to do something with the squishy ones before they go bad.

Peeled, chopped, and mixed up with sugar, cinnamon, ginger, and ground cloves.
Cooked down a little bit so soften, then 
sealed into some pastry dough. Sort of an apple empanada.

Remaining apple mixture with some oats for the topping,
baked in the oven and ta-da! Some sort of almost apple pie!

Not the tastiest apple pie I've ever had, but certainly not the worst either. 
It is okay! 🍎🍎

And today, I used up the last of the squishy apples and made a better version of
the previous almost apple pie.
This one is better. I used more sugar and a bit of lemon juice, but 
otherwise the same as before.
Spent some time cooking today too, to prepare a bunch of food
for this week. Have a show to play, and work and few lessons to teach,
so I want to have some lunch ready. 

Before the Thanksgiving mini-break (a few days off work, plus the weekend)
a friend and I grabbed lunch. The butternut squash soup is super yummy.
The onion and goat cheese pizza was good too, but the soup was the winner. Yum!

Then it was time for the Turkey Trot!
Momster ran the 5-mile course, I jogged the flat parts of the 5K course,
and Daddio hung out by the River and was in the right place at the
right time to watch a train fall apart while we were at the race.

Good job, Foot.
You're doing great.

Riverside selfie!
Thankful for healing injuries, adventurous parents, my health,
and the big purchase of the year: Screaming Pines.

All week at the theatre, coming up.

I guess we may now proceed with Christmas.

🎶Oh Xmas skelly, Oh Xmas skelly,
How lovely are your femurs! 🎶

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