Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Southwest Roadtrip - Day 5


Day 5 began in Truth or Consequences, NM.
Photo shoot in the alley by my hotel room.

Speaking of my room, it's so cute!
I think the building was formerly an apartment or dorm building.

Pelican Spa.

While waiting for the museum to open, I walked along the Main street,
getting some coffee at a neat, local coffee shop, popping into an
independant bookshop that was open early.
Then, just as the Visitor Center opened, I checked out Spaceport America.
Well, I checked out the visitor center.
The building and launch site is way out in the desert, and waaaaaaay
out of my budget.

Will there ever be a shark in space?

After leaving the visitor center, it's a short walk to Geronimo Springs Museum
This is a fantastic museum. I very much recommend it.
You are greeted with mastadon skulls and other natural specimens related
to this part of the New Mexico desert.
And, incidentally, that hunk of rock in the lower left of this photo is
fossilized feces. Yep, prehistoric poo. 

Not a mermaid.
Just a ray dried in an unusual way,

You can visit the miner's cabin, which was moved here and attached to the museum.
Say hello to the local miner.

I learned about Geronimo and the Apaches.

Some artifacts from the history of the town of Truth or Consequences.
What a sharp stage outfit. Lookin fine!

After a few hours exploring the town, I turned the car to the West, and began another long
driving day back to Phoenix.
Needed road snacks.
Picked up some local snacks.
Stopped a few times for gas and to poke around the trading posts.
The pistachios are from a place I remember driving past the day before, just outside of White Sands.
It has a huge pistachio out front. I didn't have time to stop at the pistachio farm, 
but found some of the pistachios later at a rest stop.

Drove into Bowie, AZ.
I couldn't see Fort Bowie because the road was flooded.
Oh well. You win some, you lose some.

I watched storms form over the mountains.
It was kind of incredible.

For many, many miles you are affronted with roadside signage about The Thing?
I initially thought that maybe it was another Mystery Spot (which I've been to before,
once in South Dakota), but decided to stop and check it out when I finally reached the Thing's exit.
It is in one of the gas station/trading posts that are so plentiful along the Southwest desert interstates.

And, oh boy this was a trip.
Aliens and dinosaurs and Winston Churchill, and, just about
everything else.
It was a lot to take in.
It's also extremely well done.

I will not spoil the ending for you.
You're gonna have to go see the Thing for yourself.

I will share some pictures though.

Me, after another long day of driving. HAha!
These painted wood scraps are really clever though.
There are several strewn about the exhibit.
My compliments to the artists.

I got my fortune from "Jose".
He's Jose and is totally not an alien, stop asking.

Then it was back on the road to get my rental car back to Phoenix before it got too late.

These cactus make me so happy. I just love them.

I made it to the rental car return center, said goodbye to the Black Phoenix,
gathered my luggage and FrontSeat Shark and went about getting myself to the hotel.

The first Uber driver didn't bother looking for me or letting me know he was there,
then he cancelled my ride and I watched him drive away. Dumb.
The second Uber driver did actually try to find me, drove a nice Tesla, 
and then ignored her GPS map and drove us several blocks out of the way to
my hotel. But she was great otherwise. So I'll take it.

I had one more full day of vacay to spend in Phoenix. So I relaxed in my historic hotel,
watched some sitcom reruns, and studied the city map.

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