Saturday, February 5, 2022

Dinosaurs don't really have Big Shoulders


Greetings from the Windy City!
(bird pics from previous, non-Chicago day)

Before we talk about what's goin down in Chi-town,
some housekeeping.
I got this cool sweater.
Murder goose!
It's an alarmingly nice sweater too.
Soft, not scratchy at all, very warm.
Nice, tight knit, excellent hems and collar.
In other words, the quality justifies the price range.
I liked it so much I've ordered another
fun sweater.

From a company I stumbled on (via discount sale ad)
called Aelfric Eden.  In fact, I'm wearing murder goose today, for
a day of walking around Chicago in below freezing temperatures.
My legs are frozen, but my sweater-section is cozy.

Bowie is staring at me...erm...

So apparently, some schools think that letting kids read about the 
horrors of the Holocaust (even in this targeted at and tailored
 for young adult format) will make kids start feeling some empathy.
I'd seen this book a few times, but never made time for it.
Well, a friend loaned it (and the sequel) to me, and I'm
nearly through Part 1.
It's a compelling read.
I do recommend looking it up.

Ferrnando Skeleton was the victim of senseless violence.
I found these pieces on the sidewalk after work.
I found the rest of the body the next morning. Across the street.
I don't know who did it. Maybe it was the new neighbor, maybe it
 was one her guests, maybe it was some jerk come in off the
street (the door was unlocked). I don't know.

Sam Turtle is shedding off old scutes.
Look at those shiny new scutes underneath!
Lookin dapper, Sammie!

Woke up at 5am today to meet the Amtrak 

on the train. 

It's cold in Chicago.

Made my way through the Loop, headed towards the Field Museum.

Last time I was there, the Maximo dinosaur had just been installed and 
Sue the T-Rex was unavailable for viewing.

What flag is that? Hang on, let me look it up... is a Pan-African flag.
Oh, the Africa exhibit I went through now makes more sense.
More on that in a bit.

I started at the Hall of Dinosaurs.
Because that was the exhibit that was unavailable to me last time.
This is a life size model of a Quetzacoatlus.
It's enormous. A pterosaur from the Late Cretaceous period.

Here are some kids for scale.
Imagine meeting something like this on your way home.

Then you begin at the dawn of time.
Starting with the earliest forms of life on this planet, and
how scientists believe it got started.
And a fun animation explaining how to become a fossil.

lost in a prehistoric forest

A Stegasaur.

Apatosaurs had huge feet.

Sue the T-Rex's head. A replica is used on the full skeleton.
The head is used often for study, so it's easier to keep it at ground-level.

Brrrr. the Lake is icy.

Early whale skull.
I am always chasing the whales.

Found some opals in the gemstone exhibit.
So pretty

Maximo from the second floor.

Had a bit of snack. Some beer based on brew from the 1893 Columbian Exhibition
(held here in Chicago, and for which the Field Museum was built!)
I also had a pretzel. I didn't just drink my snack.

The Africa exhibit begins in Senegal.
You learn about a tea service, preparing for a festival, musicians,
and prayer rituals.

I am pointing to the region I intend to visit on my 
hopefully next year Africa Adventure.


After some food at the Nepal House (with leftovers to enjoy later)
I finally got to my hotel. I am staying at the Congress Plaza Hotel.
The rates this time of year are really good, because no one wants to
visit Chicago in February to freeze their buns off.
So I took advantage and treated myself.
I love old architecture and buildings with character and style.

Do you see any ghosts?

The room is simple, but nice. Comfy bed, big windows.

View from the window.
I can see the Willis (Sears) Tower from here!

More me's than anyone ever asked for.

After a bit of shopping on State Street, I took my tired, chilled feet
back to the Congress Plaza for some chillaxin.
A complimentary drink at the bar came with my reservation, 
so I got a rum fizz to wind down the day.
Going to get in a quick hot shower, then some sleep.
Another early morning tomorrow to catch the train back home.

A good day in the city. Even if it was frozen.
Sometimes you need some different surroundings to get the
juices flowing. Travel does that for me. Being in motion keeps my brain going.
I get a bit batty if I stay in one place too long.
That said, my next big trip is in 3 weeks.
Going to strike off a big item on my bucket list.
Can't. Freakin. Wait.

Good night and stay warm, Lil Antelopes.

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