Saturday, January 15, 2022

Do Snowmen Dream of Snowsheep?


Deep in the doldrums of January.
The dreaded Monday of the year.
Trying to pull myself out of a seasonal depression,
a deeper low than the everyday normal depression.
So, in an effort to pull myself out of the winter blues, I've
started thinking about what I plan to do this year.

Initially, I started hunting around for an Inside Passage cruise to Alaska.
I want to see a glacier and do some more whale watching and
maybe visit Glacier Bay National Park.
And how else will I get Alaska off the 50-states list?
Unfortunately, the Rona is making cruise travel still a bit dodgy,
so I'll put that aside for another year.
Not too long though, because climate change is killing off the glaciers.

So, looking at my map o' states yet to be seen, I've decided to tackle the 
empty boxes in the Southwest desert.
I enjoy puzzling out how to get to everything I want to see
or do within a week, while still attempting to relax.
Meteor craters, Joshua trees, alien superhighway, maybe
spot a UFO. All sounds like a good time to me.

Antelope smash the tiny houses!
(tiny houses were not actually smashed)

There are several ideas already on the calendar though.
Mardi Gras is coming up, and I plan to be there to see it.
The real one in New Orleans.
Gonna slurp a hurricane with a gator.

Almost through the Twin Peaks series. As per usual, I catch up on media from
over twenty years ago. 
And have a stack of books to get through.

It's a Warm Tobacco scented candle. Oddly pleasant.

Birch and Vetiver.
No sugar sweet candy scents here.

Cracked open some new reeds.
Plan to crank up the practice regime, and
I really do have a few project ideas rattling around the ol' noodle.
Just need to figure out how to make them work.

And we're off.
Get your booty in gear.
After clearing the snow off your car, that is. 😵

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