Saturday, February 19, 2022

February Frivolousness

Getting stuff together for the upcoming days in New Orleans!
Pushing myself through February.
Mainly just Work, teaching, and played a Frank Sinatra gig with the Muscatine Symphony.
Have begun the long, torturous process of buying a house.
Oh lawd, it's gonna be a process. I already hate it.
But I've been renting for 20 years. I've paid off my student loans.
 I deserve a house now.
The parrot and turtle deserve to be in a house. A house where we
don't fear the whims of a landlord or inconsiderate neighbors.
Where I can play my saxophone whenever I want to and
don't have to use headphones on the piano. 
A house where I can paint the walls and spread out a bit.
We shall have our own kingdom to defend and lord over.
The plan is to move within the year.

In the second tenor chair with the big band for a featured Sinatra-esque singer.

I read The Queen's Gambit by Walter Tevis
(yes, the Netflix series is based off this book) and so
was inspired to learn a bit more about the game.
I am not a good chess player.
But there are a lot of great tutorials and games online to improve.

This is an older book, but very well done; about rock music of the 50s and 60s.

A leftover Chicago selfie.
Got the street to myself early in the AM

I liked the murder goose sweater so much, I picked up this second sweater.
Same high quality knit like murder goose.
Look at this happy whale!

Whales are big. They wrap around your whole self.
Don't forget the whale tail!

Anyway, I've begun tossing stuff into a suitcase, so the run up
to my Mardi Gras Adventure must be getting close.
It's on my list. ✅
They say that tourists should avoid New Orleans during Mardi Gras.
This is good advice, unless the visitor wishes to actually experience Mardi Gras.
For better or worse, I'm finally going to see the Big Parade.

The train leaves Friday.

laissez les bon temps rouler!

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