Friday, December 31, 2021

Auld Lang Syne 2021

New year tomorrow.

It's that time again, when the earth has made a complete revolution around the Sun,
and us puny humans take a moment to acknowledge that fact.

It's also customary to take the time to reflect back on what has been and what
you hope to be.

Did you accomplish anything this year? 

I finished some big project ideas.
I jumped out of an airplane (while it was in the air!)
I visited several major national parks and saw some amazing places.
I saw lots of animals and met some great people.
I camped outside in bear country.
I got myself out of white belt and am officially a yellow belt in Kuk Sool Won.

Did you meet your goals from last new year's day?

Well, mostly. I wanted to read more books, but fell short of the goal. 
But I did get to some books that have been on my to-read list for a long time.

What do you want to learn from this year?
What do you want to take with you into the next year?

Any bad attitudes or ideas or thought patterns that need to be jettisoned?
Any physical items that need to be replaced, fixed, or simply removed from your life?
Sometimes, it's easier to decide what you want to take with you, rather
than what you want to leave behind. 
It's the housefire dilemma.
The house is on fire. What do you grab on reflex to rescue from the house?

You keep the friends and the laughter and the silliness that makes it worth while.
You keep both shark hand puppets that not one, but two friends
independently chose for you as gifts because they knew you'd love them.

You keep the music, even though it seems like an uphill battle some days.
The arts have been hit hard by the pandemic. Take a moment to appreciate your musician friends.

You keep the people who make you happy.
Even if you don't see them much.

And it's darn cool to see your bird's face printed on a notebook cover!

Keep exploring.
Take the time to stop and walk the trail. 

Keep the animals safe.
They depend on you. Don't let them down.

Keep the curiosity.
Don't know what wassail is? Look it up and find out.
Then make some!
It's tasty!


So with this orange pig (I don't have any lemons handy) I 
wish you good luck for the next year. Which is tomorrow.

Our lives are short and sometimes unpleasant.
Make the most of whatever it is you've got.
Don't be afraid of uncertainty; it's a whole lot easier to 
roll with rough times than it is to try to fight against them.
Recognize what you can change, and accept and overcome
whatever you cannot change. 
Some sacrifice does not the end of the world.
Our societies are held together with duct tape and good will.
Handle them gently.

And if you can't do anything, then, at the very least, don't make life
worse for someone else.

It's also an excellent time of year to check the batteries
on your smoke detectors.

See you on the other side.


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