Sunday, December 12, 2021

Jab Out of Space

Sometimes you just need something to jolt you out of your funk.
Like this super cute kitten puppet.

Let's work backwards.

I got my covid booster yesterday. I got it out of spite, essentially,
because I am so tired of listening to anti-vaxxers whining constantly.
So, yeah. A jab out of spite. Take that, jerkos.

Is insomnia a common side effect?
I could not get comfortable and my eyes wouldn't relax.
Today, however, I feel more or less okay.
The jabbed arm is sore and I'm a bit tired from not sleeping, but generally I feel normal.

Found someone selling band froot!
If someone is selling band froot for a local band fundraiser, 
buy it! The pears alone are worth the price of admission. juicy :^)
And you are supporting local band kids.

Saxophone Christmas has returned!
Got out my soprano and got festive, saxily, of course.
About 45ish saxophonists made the event.

Then, the following day, a smaller group of said Saxophone
Christmas folks, including myself, played for a local
Christkindlemarket event downtown.

The new bridge opened, so had to make a trip across.
Partly because I was also playing in a local production of Holiday Inn.

Which I needed lots of coffee to get through, because the one-week run
took up all of my time, literally, for 8 days straight.
Work, grab coffee, theatre, home for sleep, work, repeat.

My view from the pit.

Alejandro returned with a vengeance. He is my Christmas skelly-tree.
Looking snazzy!

I made some banana pumpkin muffins.
Because I had some bananas that were getting smooshy and a can of pumpkin to use.

Momster and I ran the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving day.
In shark and catfish costumes, naturally.

Fish outta water.

I'm not really a huge Pez person, but this was funny.
I don't remember Superman in the Finding Dory movie...

Out for a crisp fall run.
Am I cold? Yes!

Look at the moon!

Swim day essentials

So, several Sundays ago, after a quintet rehearsal, I made an
impromptu hour long drive to return some pants. I guess I needed to
get out of town, because this did not seem excessive to me at the time.
Anyway, after taking care of the pants problem, I stopped at
Trader Joe's for some yummy treats.
Look at all the vegetarian deliciousness!
And, clearly, I can't stay in one place very long without
going slightly crazy.

Tis the season for adorable sleepy turtles.

And with a nod from the world's most adorable parrot, 
I bid you adieu until next time.
I will probably have more to say before year end, 
but that brings us up to speed.

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