Saturday, September 4, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure - Part 3

Morning in Grand Teton National Park.

Today we head into Yellowstone.
Pack up the tents! Brush your hair!
Tie on your hiking shoes!

We drove through Mormon Row Historic District.
A fantastic view of the mountains.

And these little critters!

And we're in!

So beautiful.

Yellowstone is essentially a huge volcano.
But it bubbles and burps and lets off steam all the time.
It might blow one day, but I'm not too worried about it.

One of our first stops was to see the hot pots.
Lots of little boiling and bubbling geysers surrounding the lake.

Lunch at the other side of the lake.
Took a minute to myself to hop out onto that big rock.

Do you see the elk?!
It didn't seem to mind us all gawking at it from the side of the road.

The falls at Artist Point.
It really is amazing.

Yellow stones in Yellowstone.

It was here that I saw a black bear.

This is not a good picture of the bear.
It's in the center of the frame, behind the log.
It was eating something and so not too concerned with us
watching it from the trail.

We saw lots of bison too.
This week was great for animal spotting.
We saw all of the big ones, except for a wolf, but
it's apparently really rare to spot a wolf.

It was a great day in the park.
We headed out to set up our camp in a KOA in West Yellowstone, Montana.

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