Sunday, October 18, 2020

Tent Camping


Out of town and onto the county roads of rural Illinois.
We're going camping.

Had to pick up some donuts for the trip.

Got into the campground at Big River State Park early afternoon.
Scouted out a good site (there were lots of options, as peak camping
season has passed; there was only a couple other campers on the
campground), and set up our tents. My mom and two nephews had their
own tent and I had my little pop up. Which I can now take down and
fold up again  without the drama I usually have, because those darn pop up
tents are kinda tricky to up-pop. 

Air mattress, camp mat, sleeping bag and extra sleeping bag liner.
All cozy!

After trying (and failing!) to locate the ranger office to register 
our site and find some firewood, we gave up and went on with the day.
Took the kids through the trails, which led to the River.

Little byway. The channel is actually beyond that island on the right of this picture.
We could hear the barges go through over night too. The sound carries far.

"What the heck is a payphone?!"
A (working) relic from days gone by.

We played on the swings and slides.
Wheeee! Swings are still fun as adults!

The campground overlooked this ravine onto the creek. 
Very pretty. 

Because we couldn't find firewood, we resorted to collecting brush and scraps from 
the woods and around the campground. It actually worked out great!
Dry pine needles made great kindling and most of the wood was dry, so in
no time we had a cheerful little campfire going!

Toasting marshmallows

Into bed. 

Some shadow puppet theatre.

Bit of reading.
Then lights out. 
I was comfortable, for the most part, but it did get a bit cold.
And the wind picked up by morning, and I could see the
forecast called for rain, so we got ourselves up, packed up
the campsite and got on the road to go home.
Great timing! About 15 minutes after leaving camp the
rain came down. 

A lovely night in the woods.
Avoided the rain and survived the night.
Successful campfire and managed to take down
my tent without too much stress.
It's good to test your survival skills occasionally.
Wear a sweater!

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