Sunday, July 12, 2020

Happy birthday to me

I've completed another lap around the Sun.
My birthday was this past Tuesday.

I actually had a lot to say earlier this week, but it seems the words have evaporated.
I'm not more rich. I'm not prettier. My arms are getting jiggly.
I'm just a year older.
So, what have I done?
I've at last met my whale. I've carved out a life with music at its center.
I've learned how to film and edit.
I've finished at least 13 half marathons (maybe more, I've lost count)
My Titanic/Iceberg project inches achingly closer to a finished product.
My student loan is getting smaller.
I've paid off my car.
I have a few good friends. I have a Valentine.
Counting my blessings, surely, but I also don't want to become complacent.
Complacency is where ambition goes to die.
There are more things I want to do. And things I'd like to try.
And things I'd like to learn how to do.
I don't care what others think of me, but I do care deeply about letting myself get boring.
One year away from 40. About the age that women begin to disappear from people's view.
My heroes and the people I admire are still in my heart to draw inspiration from.
I can do more. I just need to keep kicking myself down the road.

So, with this little pep-talk to me, let's continue...

The latest Sunday Spider.
Hello Spidey!

Finally busted out the unicorn poop, er, soap.
I've had this for awhile, but just now decided to use it.
Smells nice!

Does this kimono look okay?
It's really red, but fits well. Guess I'll keep it.

Summertime. It's hot. My apartment can get quite hot.
So the parrot gets a fan, whenever I'm there to turn it on for her.
Bird hot. Bird gets fan.

And I broke down and got Disney+ for a month to watch Hamilton.
It's a good show! Glad I made the time to see it.
And, hey, maybe I'll watch it again. I have the subscription for a while.
There's other stuff to watch too. Some Nat Geo documentaries, a few movies
I've not seen yet, and The Simpsons!

Wash your hands, wear a mask.
Take care of each other.

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