Friday, May 8, 2020

Quarantown Reflections

So, here we are.
Now well into our shiny new global pandemic.

In the past six weeks, I've watched nearly everything I've had
planned for the year be rescheduled, postponed, or outright cancelled.
It has been surprisingly easy to accept all this.
What can you do, really? We may as well accept things as they are
and try to adjust as gracefully as possible.
As I've already posted, I'm trying to stay occupied, stimulated,
and try to not go too insane because my normal routine
has been dramatically altered.

Trying to not to slide into alcoholism has been a task.
Feeling like you're on permanent vacation has made it so easy
to just grab a "refreshing beverage" 
Bingeing on movies and videos. Trying to get through some books.
Ordering a few things online and then waiting for them to
arrive because nearly every task now entails some degree of delay.

It has been interesting to watch how different businesses
come up with creative ways to still do business.
Some people are angry, some people are anxious.
Other people have decided to make the best of the situation.
Some folks have lost work, some still continue to eke out a 
living in a modified way. And masks are now a part of light,
whether y'all like it or not.

It's become clear who among my circle of acquaintances are
completely bat-s**t bonkers. Who are the conspiracy theorists. 
And who among them are brainwashed into believing 
(or wanting to believe) any bogus propaganda that spews forth
from our now very corrupted government.
This realization is especially disappointing while watching other 
governments around the world manage to take care of their citizens without
putting them in danger of bankruptcy, foreclosure or death.

On a lighter note, I have learned some new skills, 
mostly in regards to technology.
And more time to indulge in trying out some crazy ideas.

So, good luck to you all.
Wash your hands, use a face mask if you need to,
try to be considerate of other people, and don't
be a racist a$$hole.

Stay healthy Antelopes.

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