Sunday, April 12, 2020

Quarantine Nation

Well, unless you live in a cave in a remote part of the
Appalachian Mountain region, you're aware of the current pandemic.

We all just need to stay in place, and not make things worse.
So we need to do some stuff so we don't go bonkers.

Trying to keep myself busy. Finally an opportunity to, at a
leisurely pace, go through a few ideas and projects I've been thinking
about making reality.

I cooked some vegetarian chili, from scratch!


                                        I built this hurdy gurdy model, that actually works!
Kind of!
It can be found to order at UGears

It took me about 8 to 9 hours, over the course of a week (hour or two each day)
to complete and to make it produce a sound.

It is a model, a toy even, so you can't expect the sound to be as rich and
deep as a real hurdy gurdy.
Still, considering it's put together, without glue, and at a smaller
scale, it is remarkable that it makes the sound that it does.

I will work with the wheel a bit more (could use some sanding and levelling)
and the strings to see if I can get it to sound a bit sweeter, but I'm very
pleased with the result. This was really fun to put together!
I may check out one of the boat models the company has too.

Also, I got ahold of this crappy set of bongos.
I want to use them for a future project, but they are kind of ugly.

So I cleaned them up, gave them a new paintjob, sanded down the
rough head, and gave them a new life!
Turned out pretty sweet, if I do say so myself!

Otherwise, there's been some books read, movies watched, and a general
"get some stuff done around the house" sort of attitude going on.
It looks like we have at least another 2 weeks ahead of the stay-at-home
lifestyle, so lots of time left to hack through some more projects.

Wash your hands and get some stuff done (at home)!

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