Sunday, January 26, 2020

Gettin thru the January Mondays.

Now that the we've gotten through the 
post-holiday fog that is the first few
weeks of January, we may now resume our lives.

Go go Gadget Jazz Jam Session!
So now that I'm nearly an older version of myself, and nearly 40 (only another 1.5 years! eep!)
I've decided to really start grinding into my "bucket list".

One of which is to own an irresponsibly expensive piece of jewelry.
So I bought myself this Opal/diamond/silver ring.
This photo doesn't really do it justice. The opal almost glows!
Love it.

Snowstorm selfie.
My friend and I braved the snowiness to attend a concert 
by the Rose Ensemble.
An evening of Medieval Middle Eastern music.
I didn't know I needed to see this concert, but I'm 
glad I did. Music like this is always better experienced live.
The ensemble featured singers and instrumentalists and
instrumentalists who also sing.

Music from the Christian, Jewish, and Islam traditions, 
some sacred and some secular.
All really fascinating and wonderfully performed.
Worth fighting the snow, for sure.
Besides, if the musicians can get themselves to the 
venue to perform, I should be able to snowshoe myself
out to go hear them.

This oatmilk is pretty yummy.
I'm trying to find a decent milk substitute that isn't soy or almond based.

And we learned that spokesnut, Mr. Peanut was smashed into butter.
He dead.
Thus a perfect opportunity to share my Mr. Peanut pictures.
Momster and I met the Nut himself at the post-race party one
year at the QC Marathon.
And the year before that (I think?) the Nutmobile was there,
with photo ops complete with accessories!

May he rest in Reese's Pieces.

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