Friday, October 18, 2019

Ghosts! For real?

It's the Spooky season.

Let's tell some ghost stories!

So, I don't really believe in ghosts. Or visiting aliens. Or cryptids. 
That said, I really love hearing and reading scary stories. Or stories
about "true" mysteries like Mothman or alien abductions or Men in Black.
I adore horror movies.

However, I do have two instances of strange events I can't
readily explain. And, this is the first time I'm talking about either of them.

The first happened my senior year of high school. I was at the
Sheaffer Pen building with some members of the choir.
We were singing for the workers, I guess, the details are fuzzy.
What isn't fuzzy is that while we were singing, I got a tap on my
right shoulder. There was a shelf behind me, and whatever
had touched me must have moved really quick because
I didn't see anyone. Except for my fellow singers, all facing forward and
making no indication that they had moved towards me.
This incident has stuck with me ever since, because I can't explain
what happened.

The second instance was just this year.
In my bedroom, standing by my bed, looking at my cell phone,
as we all do occasionally.
Without warning something drops next to my left foot.
It's the same sensation you get when a heavy book
is dropped near you. A puff of air, loud thud.
But there was no book. I wasn't carrying a book.
There are books all over my house, but none that were
in a position to drop by my feet. And, besides, there was
no book at my feet. The loud thud and puff of air
certainly felt real. It is unnerving to not have an
explanation for what happened. 

I'm still somewhat sure there are reasonable
explanations for both of these experiences.
But, until then, they're mysteries to me.

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