Monday, May 27, 2019

Puppet Update

Well, another Memorial Day weekend nearly gone by.

Another couple of days of not doing much, but getting a lot done.

I did the usual Sunday stuff on Sunday, but had Monday off.
Not really being cash affluent at the moment, I opted to stay home this weekend
and try to finish a few projects.

I finished a book, did some cooking, watched two movies, 
ate some donuts, did two loads of laundry, and finished a new puppet.
Yes, I'm still in the puppet game.

This is an extension of an idea that I've been obsessing over for at least 10 years.
It's the Titanic in puppet form!

Hopefully, I can use her soon for Phase II of the Titanic Project.

Also this weekend I repotted a few cactus. I very seldom touch these plants, 
and water them just once a week, so I hope they haven't been
traumatized too much and decide to die now.

I've also finally invested in a proper mousepad. Until now,
I'd been using an owner's manual for a microphone.
Because I didn't find any mousepads I particularly liked, I found
a seller on Amazon that would customize them.
Uploaded this very old drawing I made of Zuri with a saxophone
and about a week later I got my new mousepad! 
It looks great and my mouse now has a comfy pad to sit on.

Happy Memorial Day!

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