Saturday, November 17, 2018


Weather getting colder.
Snow on the ground.
Holidays approaching.

So, now it's time to check the status on how the year has progressed.

First, the instruments.
I do take care of my stuff, but musical instruments do occasionally
need some tender, loving care.

My alto saxophone went in for some much overdo realignment.
I am also considering updating the mouthpiece.

And the old, beat up studio clarinet needs a new cork.

Is there enough in the change jar to buy this week's allotment of rice, yogurt and veggies?

Review the financials. I owe how much!?
Actually, in fairly good shape, all things considered.

Write up the shopping list. Hopefully next week's prepped lunches will
be better than this past week's. I don't know how I managed to
do so badly with the food this week.

Go through the stack of books to read and check on the travel plans for next year.


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