Wednesday, July 4, 2018


What is genius?

What makes someone a genius?

Image result for einstein

I recently spent a day in Chicago with a friend to attend the Dave Matthews Band concert. I was happy to have my friend along. We both like music, albeit slightly different types of music, and the conversation turned to qualifying music. A concept I simultaneously love and hate.

Qualifying music or musicians, or art in general, always seems perilous to me. Bias comes into play and it becomes difficult to be objective. My friend asked me if my favorites were genius. Well, in my biased view, yes, they are genius. Dave Matthews is a gifted songwriter with a knack for poetic lyrics. David Bowie is a genius at showmanship, songwriting, and captivating an audience. Gelsey Kirkland was a genius ballerina who could make the most intricate choreography look effortless and beautiful. At some point in the discussion I felt a bit attacked for what I loved, though I am certain it wasn't intentional. I shouldn't have to work so hard to defend why I like something. And even if what I liked wasn't "genius" level does that make it any less deserving of my affection? (And that is a topic for another time.)

Genius is defined as exceptional intellectual or creative ability. So, within these boundaries, I feel I can identify genius, as can many other people. The people who become famous can often be placed into the genius category. This isn't fool proof, of course, as seemingly just as many idiots manage to become famous (or infamous). And just as many, if not more, genius creative people aren't picked up and shown to the world at all. Some of it can be chalked up to luck or knowing the right people. Malcolm Gladwell wrote an interesting book about what makes successful people successful. Being genius is only a part of success. (See: The Outliers)

So, who is a genius and who isn't? Certainly Einstein and Stephen Hawking. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk. Jazz artists like Ella Fitzgerald, Charlie Parker, and Duke Ellington, who not only were innovators but who also managed to elevate their art. Are mainstream pop stars genius? Generally, no; as much of what you hear on the radio is absolute rubbish.

True genius requires an idea (or many ideas) and the discipline to see that idea through to its logical end, even if it means losing an audience or money. A genius can see possibility where others see only what is already in place.

Genius sees the connections where there are just dots.

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