Sunday, October 6, 2024

Takin Care of Spooky Business

New spooky season, who dis?

Broke out the Beetlejuice eyeshadow palettes to glam myself up
a bit to see the new Beetlejuice movie, Beetlejuice Beetlejuice.
Oops, I think I just conjured the infamous bio-exorcist.

Looking a little green! :-D

I liked it.
The first movie didn't take itself too seriously, and this
one doesn't either.
The storylines continue, except without the Maitlands, and the
internal logic makes sense, even if it doesn't if you think about
it too much outside of the world the movie is set within.
MacArthur Park kinda comes out of nowhere, though.
It was a good time!

After the movie, it was off to Catfish Jazz jam for some jazzy noodling.

Isn't that the most adorable little grey feather-face you've ever seen?

Taught a clarinet super-lesson at a local school.
This greeted me on the whiteboard in the classroom I used.

Pretty sky.

Another dance at the Eagles Club in Iowa City.
The other horn player didn't show, so I got to do the whole
job by myself (with the drum and piano of course)

I like to occasionally get some flowers for the house.
These fall blooms were at the farmers market and they really brightened up the place.

Some coffee and the first pumpkin spice donut of the season.
Oh boy, the pumpkins. More on that in a bit.

Found myself with a whole day off.
So, I tackled some small house projects.
Starting with painting this mirror.
I'd found it a year or two ago in the clearance
section of HomeGoods.
I wanted a small mirror to put in my closet.

Like the bathroom walls, I am over the endless grey, so I decided to
give this mirror a makeover to brighten up the walls.
First block off the glass.
Then take the mirror outside and prepare the space for
some spray painting.
I used a leftover piece of plastic to protect the cement.

If necessary, tape down the plastic to keep it from being annoying
in the wind.
Then follow directions on the spray paint can and give it
a good coat of bright yellow paint!
I let the first coat set for about fifteen minutes, then went over
it again with a second coat.

Monitor your sun tea while outside painting.

Let dry overnight, after drying to the touch outside.
I brought it inside and let it cure in the kitchen.

Once it was dry enough to handle, I put it back on the wall.
Much better!

Brought the hammock out of the attic.
Had some relaxing hammock time, watching the pumpkin patch ripen.
The pumpkins were nearly ready to be harvested, and the leaves had
started to develop a white fungus on them, so the patch was on borrowed time by now.

darn squirrels.

I also finally got around to painting Alejandro Skellyton's stand, so while that was
being worked on, Alejandro got to lie around and contemplate his existence.

Waiting for the paint to dry.
Skelly hammock time.
I used up an old can of blue spray paint and
used some silver spray paint I had in the box for the metal pole.
Covered it in a glittery gloss and I think it looks pretty good.

Hammock buddies!

While trimming out some vines, a few pumpkins popped off their
vines. So this is the first few of the pumpkin harvest haul.

After a couple more days, I pulled them all out.
Pretty good haul of 16 pumpkins.
Not bad for minimal effort.

The last one to ripen. Also the largest.
It somehow got disconnected with its vine, so I decided 
to keep this one for myself.
I put it on the porch, and within a week it turned orange!
I didn't know they would keep ripening off of the vine.

This one was pretty chewed up by insects I think.
I gave this scruffy one to a friend who wanted to feed the
pumpkins to squirrels.

I've ended up giving away most of the pumpkins, 
having only a few left.

More pumpkin spice stuff.
Plus an Oktoberfest Leinie and some apples.
Tis the season!

Bonejamin Franklin!
Model for my Halloween costume.

Finished the QC Marathon 10K race.
A lot of work for a free banana.

Someone at work had left some of these Oreos in the
Coke flavored Oreos.
Had to give them a taste test.
I don't like Coke that much, but I like Oreos.
These are....interesting.
The creme has pop rocks candy in it, so it sort of fizzes in your
mouth like soda will.

Practice your fingers to the bone.

Starting the clean up project.
Time to reclaim that corner of the yard.

Flogging Molly at the Capitol Theatre!

Very enjoyable concert.
High energy and super fun band to watch!
Flogging Molly is, essentially, an Irish style punk rock band.

All pulled out of the ground.

Three bags. Plus at least two other bags from previous trimmings.
Bagged up the vines and leaves and pulled out the initial roots,
and set them out ready for pickup.
That corner of the yard feels so naked now.
It was a neat experiment.
Really alarming how quickly pumpkin vines grow.

Ready for my sister's wedding.

But first,  short detour to see Snake Alley in Burlington.

It's smaller than I thought it would be.
I didn't drive it, even though it was open for driving.
I parked the Whale and walked up and back down the super curvy brick road.

Wedding on the River.

Me and Momster and Paw.

A bit windy, but a nice day to be outside.

Wedding cupcakes.

This packaging reminds me of jerky.
Sock jerky, anyone?

Got a long run in around a local park.
Training for the upcoming half marathon.
Took a few minutes to admire the flowers.

So many ducks!

The pumpkin population has decreased after two weeks.
I am left with four to either keep for myself, or
try to give away to anyone else who wants a pumpkin.
Here, Fernando, the broken skeleton, gets to keep his job as a
spooky Halloween decoration, despite being
mangled and busted.

At least my mortgage company cares about me.

C'mon! Get into the cup!
Don't you want to be a latte!?

Walked into CVS for my flu/Covid vax shots.
One in each arm.
While I was there, I checked my blood pressure on the machine.
I let it measure me twice.
When I first sat down, the numbers read in the Stage 1 Hypertension range.
After a few minutes, I ran it again, and the numbers came back in the normal range.

The undead are climbing out of the flower beds.

I don't ordinarily drink Busch light, as I tend to prefer local or 
more artisanal beers. But I found this 30 pack on sale for $12. Pretty good bargain.
I have tried this peach variety before, and it's a nice end of summer flavor.
So, I got some cheap beer that'll take me a month or two to get through.

Got my Hawaiian shirt on and ready for the 20th Anniversary
Project Pickle Farm reunion gig!

A good night rawkin with my Pickled brothers.

We even got to sign the wall behind the stage.
Till we meet again, friends!


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