Thursday, May 11, 2023

Keepin tabs

 Let's play another round of "what's in the browser tabs on my phone?"

I know multiple browser tabs are a problem for many people.
Perhaps they are there to remind us of something to look up later.
Or it is a trace of a moment when you had a burning curiosity about something
and simply had to look it up (that's usually my reason)

So, let's take a look at what has caught my attention lately,
in a non-comprehensive (I did self-censor a bit) numbered list.

1. Neil Breen
Neil Breen is, you must agree, an auteur.
He is sometimes compared to Tommy Wiseau or James Nguyen, but I personally
believe Breen's films are, unbelievably, more coherent.
Which is saying something.

Most of his movies are filmed in or around Las Vegas, sometimes
in the desert, sometimes in the neighborhoods far from the Strip,
sometimes illegally filmed on campuses at night (allegedly), and 
nearly always in front of a green screen at some point.
He is always the heroic character, in a struggle against corrupt corporations
and evil institutions. He is the shrieking alarm of warning to us all.
His films feature wooden dialogue, tuna cans, inoperable laptops (many),
and some sort of supernatural element.
It's delightful!
Honestly, as much as I like the other directors, I think I like Breen best.

The tab was open because I was looking up information about his latest film.

2. Big Stuffed

These are the most adorable stuffed whales I've ever seen!
I want them all! the whole family!
They are made by the Big Stuffed company,
who makes all sorts of absolutely precious stuffed critters.

I found it because I recently started following an Instagram
account called @officialsadbeige who has created an
entire Insta channel about the beige aesthetic, usually
accompanied by a devastatingly accurate impression of 
Werner Herzog. Good stuff, and worth a follow.
And in at least a couple posts, she highlights the 
emo stuffed whales.

Anyway, the tab was open because I had to know where to get that whale.

3. Bowie's Wallpaper

David Bowie was an artist first. He became a rock star. 
And he still made art. Painting, mostly.
In 1995, Bowie presented a collection of his artworks in a show called 
“New Afro/Pagan and Work: 1975–1995”
As part of this exhibition were some wallpapers he had designed.
One depicts a Minotaur and is called "Minotaur"
The other is a nude image of Lucien Freud in a tank.
They were printed in collaboration with Laura Ashley.

I was looking this up because I think I was reading an article about his art exhibits,
the wallpapers were mentioned, and I so I wanted to see what they looked like.

4. Jolly Contrarian

This is a website I found by looking up the lyrics to that
song Africa by that band Toto.
See, you're humming it to yourself already.

Mainly, I wanted to check the veracity of a specific lyric:

I know that I must do what’s right
As sure as Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Serengeti

The article gleefully shows us how silly the line is,
comparing Mount Kilimanjaro to Mount Olympus,
and where both are in relation to the Serengeti.

My own trip to Africa will take me nowhere near Kilimanjaro.
Someday, perhaps I will get to visit it, and maybe even hike to the top.

5. Talking Animals in the Bible

I was looking through an older list of topics that I'd
wanted to look into (the OG many-browser-tabs-open. I'm Old Skool)
I had them written down on pieces of scrap paper and post-it notes.
Occasionally, I will consolidate the paper scraps, write a big
list of all the scrap ideas, and clear out some paper clutter.
Anyway, I found the words: Balaam and Talking Donkey.

To Google I scrambled and found out there is a story in the Bible
(Numbers 22:21-39 NIV) about a guy (Balaam) and his talking donkey.

So then I wondered how many talking animals are in the Bible.
There are two.
The snake in Genesis, and this chatty ass.
And a burning bush that spoke, but it's not an animal.

Well, now, we've all learned something today.
I had a reason to research my random topics and
you had the pleasure of reading about it.

Go forth and make yourself less ignorant!

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