Sunday, April 9, 2023

Ishtar Bunnae

The Barbie meme has taken hold. 
This is a really good one. 😆🤖

Welcome to spring, I hope you've sprung.
And I hope you haven't been eaten by the Easter bunny.

For those of us not eaten by the Easter bunny, here is the biweekly-ish run down.

The bulbs! They grooooww!
I planted some daffodil and crocus bulbs last fall, and they are starting to
come up!
It's very exciting.
But this also means that I need to start maintaining the yard again.
It is due for a bit of a cleanup.
And I'll need to drag the mower out of the basement.

The Midwest experienced some weather events.
Lots of wind, rain and hail!
I found out that my front door leaks a bit in heavy rain, so that's on
the list now to investigate and fix.

Poor little daffodil. Surrounded by hail.
Those little white pebbles are hail!

Storm passed, with no incident on my little patch of land, and
the sky cleared.

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent
Good movie!
Meta Nic Cage is very meta.

I also managed to finally see Face/Off,
which up to now, I've only seen reviews and clips of.
Weird, right? 

Testing the Portrait mode on my phone camera.

Watched a bit of the big championship game.
Which I only got interested in because I stopped to get a pizza
at a local pizza place and the game was playing, so I got
a bit invested in it while waiting for said pizza to be ready to go.
Two good teams. Iowa vs. Louisiana.
I hope they all had fun. :-)

Have some tunes rattling around in the ol' noggin, so busted out the
ukulele for some jams
It's been almost a year with my own office studio space,
and I absolutely love it. 
A desk to work at, my piano and stereo, books and all my
instruments, to be played whenever I wish. 💓💓

And the soprano saxophone went into the shop for some TLC. 
Hope the repair bill won't make me cry.

Another big storm came through and left a mark on the 
Illinois side of the QCA.
Actually a tornado.
Some places lost their roof, some people had yard stuff wrecked.
The Blackhawk chief fell down.
Hopefully they can repair the damage and restore
him to his pedestal.

The Barbie selfie generator is fun!

I couldn't find any blinds for the living room that I liked, so 
I had some custom made at
Which sounds suspicious, but is totally legit.
You enter the size of your windows, customize the
color and finish, and the style, and, after plugging in any available discount code,
your order is made and shipped directly to you.

I loathe these things.
Cheap crappy plastic blinds that never really work like they're supposed to.
But I kept them up until I found something better to replace them.

A much more polished look.
They aren't the shutters that are way out of my budget,
but they fit the style closer to what I had in mind for the living room.
And they arrived well packaged, in good shape and exactly as
I'd requested them, directly to my door.

David Bowie is peering into your soul.

Easter Sunday.
Lunch at the world's largest truck stop.
There is a mirror on the ceiling.

A stroll along the riverfront.
Met some dogs and people and pelicans and geese and one lone duck.

And, Alejandro Skellyton at last got a stand.
No more sitting on the corner, creeping on everyone.
Now he can stand in the living room, creeping on everyone.


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