Sunday, February 12, 2023

February Rage


Happy Valentine's Day

finished all the puzzles in the Sudoku book I found.
Now I'm working on an old crossword book I found along with the
Sudoku puzzles.

Getting the miles in.
(the mirror at the Y needs to be cleaned 😄)
I reached my January goal of 30 miles.
And am now working on a February goal of 35 miles.
A bit tougher because February has fewer days.

The next Africa themed book on the stack.
A motorcycle trip all the way down the African continent.
I've also taken a read through a book by Neil Postman called
Amusing Ourselves to Death
It was written in the early 80s, so some of the references are dated,
but the observations are still valid.
Television makes us all dumber, because, no matter what it is we 
are looking at, it is through the lens of entertainment.
Even the news programs.
So, be aware of what you're putting into your mind, I guess.

I went out last Saturday to the symphony concert.
They were playing Brahms Symphony No. 3
and a Shostakovich violin concerto. 
The guest soloist was fantastic.


I spent Sunday morning having my own personal lazy
Swam half a mile...

...20 minutes on the bike (ugh)...

...and two miles on the track.

A very tasty veggie masala meal from the local Mediterranean place. 
One of my favorite restaurants, and I always leave pleasantly stuffed full of
hummus and deliciousness.

Ice on the River.
I spent some time to watch the eagles hunting for fish on the ice.

brrr 🧊🧊

See the birdie?

Also had lunch at the new Japanese place.

It wasn't too bad. 
I liked what I ordered, and should go back again to try a few other sushi rolls,
but I wasn't overly impressed. Especially with the prices.
Maybe I just wasn't very hungry.

Need to do something with this Titanic puppet.
I am brainstorming new project ideas.
Finding motivation lately has been a bit tough.
Stoopid winter blahs.

Another morning for some outdoor miles.

See the birdie?
More eagles.

Closing today on a bleak note.
I've recently watched two post-nuclear apocalypse movies.

Both depressing. One is animated.
Both can be, as of this writing, found on YouTube to watch for free (with ads).
Both made at about the same time too, 1984 and 1986, respectively.
Both present an unflinching realistic depiction of how our lives would
break down after a bomb blast. If you weren't lucky enough to die
immediately after the initial flash, you'd have nothing but hardship
and sickness to look forward to.

So think about that while you're watching the big game.

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