Sunday, February 14, 2021

Happy VD to you and yours!

 Happy Valentine's Day!

It's been tough staying motivated lately.
Weather? Pandemic weariness? Who knows.
I've still managed to get some things done though.

I passed my first test at Kuk Sool Won and earned my yellow stripes.
I'm about halfway to Yellow Belt!

I was on the hunt for a little blender to make my own fruit smoothies.
This one is exactly what I was looking for.
Easy to use, easy to set up, not too big, and powerful enough
to blend up frozen fruits, coconut milk and bananas.
I gave it a good test this week, blending up breakfast smoothies each day.
It's quick and not too loud. An easy rinse of the blade after use,
let it airdry, and it's ready to use again the next day. 

Made some pumpkin bread. From scratch I'll have you know.
Had some cans of pumpkin I wanted to use up.
So made this loaf of bread and some pumpkin pasta.
And used the leftover pumpkin in a few smoothies.

Frozen mango pieces, coconut milk, a banana, and 
a small amount of agave syrup. Tasty smoothie to sip
with my coffee. I noticed that this helps to keep me from
snacking on other, less healthy stuff throughout the day.
And I like being able to control the sugar content in smoothies.
Smoothie stores always add so much unneeded sugar.

A reasonably edible slice of pumpkin bread.

Got some King Cake coffee for the Carnival season. YUM!

Watching entirely too much MST3K.
Love those little puppet bots.

Time to delete the Candy Crush Saga app. Have reached level 1000.

Some cookies from my Valentine. 💓
Lady Gaga-eos?

There's another record saga to tell, but I'll leave that for the next post.
This album got a play last night. Good stuff. Had a cocktail and
took in the sweet, cool sounds of Miles Davis and Friends
on the truly outstanding Kind of Blue album.

In my whisky haze, I apparently impulse ordered another jazz album that
should arrive this week. After reviewing the receipt, I am not
at all upset with Drunk Me. 

Keep practicing your choke holds, my darling Antelopes!

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