Monday, August 10, 2020

on the road again

 Hello from Seattle!

I took this photo from a seaplane.

Okay, so a bit to catch up on before I explain the above picture.

My last post was longer ago than I meant for it to be, but it's been tough

maintaining sanity and the desire to create anything. Depression, probably.

The year has been rough for those of us that get our creative juices moving

by actually moving. As I've complained previously, I've watched my whole

year's plans be washed away by the pandemic.Concerts, weekend trips, shows.

All gone.

Including my Canada camping trip set for this week.

However, I'd already booked my flight out, so hung onto it until it

looked like it may still be possible to make a trip. Washington state is starting to reopen,

tentatively, anyway, and hostels and some activity and merchants are open, so I

figured, as long as I'm careful to follow health guidelines and stay within

the boundaries of what's permitted, I can still getaway for a bit to clear my head.

I travel to sort out my thoughts and to keep myself from getting to trapped in my own head.

The airports are quieter and much less crowded than usual.

Flights offer no food or drink service. Face coverings are mandatory.

But people are permitted to move, for the time being anyway.

So, armed with face masks, hand sanitizer, and an open mind, 

I boarded the plane to Seattle.

Tasty bite the night I arrived into town. The cocktail was an Elderberry Greyhound.
Pretty tasty!

The benefit of fewer tourists are shorter lines. Last time I visited Seattle, I
wasn't able to get into The First Starbucks because the line was too damn long.
Made it inside this time!

Lake Union. Killing some time by the water before boarding the seaplane.

The pilot (captain?) let me sit up front next to him!
So cool!

Treated to some gorgeous views of the harbor, and the weather was clear enough
to see the surrounding mountains, including Mt. Rainier.

Then walked about two miles to find the Fremont Troll.
It's a troll in the Fremont neighborhood.
It smells like pee. Do you know why it smells like pee?

I think it's pee.
It's holding a Volkswagon.

Then met up with an old friend to take a ride on the Great Wheel.
Perfect weather for some great views.

I'm now pulling everything together to make my way to Portland.
The Amtrak leaves in a few hours.

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