Sunday, July 7, 2019

Another Year

It's my birthday!

I've made it around the sun one more time.
The office was closed for July 4 holiday, and Friday the 5th  because most 
of the staff was going to  be off anyway, so we all got an extra holiday. I still
worked on Friday, though, at the music store, because I don't know when
to stop. Anyway.

The past few days have gone by a bit quick. I haven't really
felt like myself. A bit out of phase. Can't quite explain why.
It could be the heat, being overwhelmed by my schedule, a
touch of stage fright (which seems to come and go without
reason), or just boredom or depression. 

I watched several movies. Midsommar was playing at the theatre, so I took
myself on a movie date. Daylight horror. I liked it, despite a few odd moments.
If you're expecting a conventional horror flick, it isn't for you.

Because I had the time, when I got home I put my latest Netflix selection into 
the DVD player: Metropolis. The 1927 German expressionist epic film, directed
by Fritz Lang. It was the restored version, though a quarter of the film has been
lost to the ravages of time. Music by Gottfried Huppertz, silent era actors.
It's a story of star-crossed lovers, a robot and mad scientists, and class
warfare. A fascinating slice of the Weimar period in Germany, between
the Wars, when artists had the freedom to flex their creative muscles and the
world was made better by it. 

I've been dipping in and out of the Weimar era of art and artists and the
history of Germany leading up to the rise of the Nazi regime. I read Christopher
Isherwood's excellent novels, The Berlin Stories, and a few history
books of the time period. I've also been learning some German using the
Duolingo app, which helps me feel a bit more connected to
the history of Germany. It's difficult to get your head around the 
history of a country you've only had a very general knowledge of.

The third movie I had time to watch was Brad Jones's Jesus, Bro! The movie I
picked up when I met the Cinema Snob at the comic convention. It's really funny
and is a good parody of the religious schlock the Snob reviews on his
show. Having seen many of his reviews, I was able to
catch most of his references he parodied in his movie.
Well done movie, and perfect for those who don't take
religious attitudes too seriously. Or atheists like me who can
take some mocking too.

The Thin White Accountant.

Okay, that's enough silliness.
I let myself sleep, got some exercise, drank lots of coffee,
 played three shows at the Showboat theatre (opening weekend
for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat), did some reading, 
and more or less let myself be a bit lazy.
I'm hoping that a return to a schedule will help me feel more normal again.

Love, your newly 38 year old Antelope.

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