Sunday, June 23, 2019

Snobs and Other Hunting Devices

Planet Funk Con. it like Comic Con?

Oh, well, cheers!

So I dragged a couple of friends along to Planet Funk Con, held

at the newish, huge sports complex thingie at the edge of town in Bettendorf.
I was under the impression that dressing up for these occasions was expected
and encouraged, hence the Angry Bird head.

Anyway, my motivation for attending this event that I would ordinarily
skip was to meet one of my favorite YouTube personalities,
the Cinema Snob.

Saturday afternoon, and away we go to get Planet Funky.
Just to the left of the entrance to the hall, the Channel Awesome folks had a table.
And we see the elusive Snob.

That's Doug Walker, the Nostalgia Critic, behind Snobby.
Anyway, they're really nice and laugh at my silly jokes, and 
they're both kind enough to sign my copy of Jesus Bro!
(my hair looks horrible in this photo, but to be fair, I
was wearing the bird head just before this.)

The title is a spoof of the phrase "Hey, Scotty. Jesus, man" from the 1992 film, Second Glance.
Jesus, Bro! itself is a parody of schlocky religious films. Funny stuff!

Had an opportunity for a photo op in a casket at the haunted housing booth.
As one does.

Stopped for a cocktail.

Photo shoot with the resident Ghostbusters mobile.

No ghosts!

We played laser tag, wandered around the booths, admired some handmade artwork and watched
the more serious cos-players get their photos taken.

In addition to the Snob movie, I bought these cute donut earrings and a few movie posters/prints.
Creature from the Black Lagoon, Rocky Horror Picture Show, and a neat photo of George
Lucas, David Bowie, and Jim Henson from Labyrinth.

All in all, a pretty fun afternoon. It's totally worth it to try new things!

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