Sunday, July 30, 2017

slap happy Sunday

Ah Sunday. My sometimes day off.

I stayed up too late last night to attend the Genesius Guild in the park performance of Henry V, which I will admit was a bit bewildering at first, as I was kind of tired from the 7-mile annual road race in my fair Davenport and Henry V  is a very long play that I wasn't really too familiar with to begin with. But Shakespeare is meant to be heard and seen, so I stayed through the whole show.

Sunday morning came around and I couldn't sleep in because I was hired to play in two jazz services at a local Methodist church. Both went well, but took up half of my day, so after a quick trip to the grocery store I came home a took a nap.

But then, I got stuff done.

Cleaned the turtle tank. Water change, gave the glass a scrub. A healthy turtle is a happy turtle! 

Then vacuumed and cleaned the bird cage. What an adorable beaky face!

Get Stuff Done Juice.

I am soon headed out for vacation, so I started pulling stuff together for my trip. 

Wash the dishes, you slob!

Food prep for lunch for the week. Lots of fresh veggies and boiling rice. 
Don't  forget the seasonings!

The only plants I can keep alive are those that thrive by neglect. So I have several cactus varieties, a money plant, a jade plant, a Norfolk pine tree, and an orchid that I have somehow managed to not kill for several years now. I water them once a week and all is well. Happy plants!

Lunch for the week! Well, for most days, anyway. Definitely helps to keep costs down and manage calorie intake.

And I am tired. I want to finish reading a book, maybe get some piano practice in, and then off to bed to feel awake for the coming work week!

Bon soir!

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