Tuesday, March 5, 2024

And that's the Tooth!


Happy Mardi Gras!

Played a jazz service for the carnival season.

Alejandro Skellyton got in on the festive fun.

jazz jam!

happy Valentine's day!
you deserve flowers!

the new hooptie needed a new battery.
Here we see Car Duck supervising the transfer.
I don't think this car does very well in the cold.
But it seems okay for now.
Still getting used to my new ride.
I still feel sad about letting go of my old Elantra, 
but it was going to have to happen eventually.

I was tasked with baking something to bring into work.
All I can really bake (for other people, at least) is banana bread.
So I had lots of bananas around the house, and I made sure
that the parrot got in on the fresh fruit action. Nom nom.

Getting through the book stack. The start of the year is always kind of
boring for me, so it's a good opportunity to use the extra free time to
catch up on my reading. 

I read a biography about Prince and am currently half way
through a biography of Aretha Franklin. The divine Queen of Soul!

Not a big soda drinker, but I like trying fun flavours.
Unicorn Yack. Pretty tasty :-D

some pre-spring cleaning.
Turtle tank was in desperate need of a good cleanout, and I 
remodeled a bit. I moved the haul out platform to
on side of the tank, leaving the rest of the space for swimming.
Hopefully, Sammi appreciates the extra elbow room, and she
quickly figured out how to get to her newly placed platform
to get in some basking time under the heat lamp.

tried out a local spot that I haven't been to yet.
A pay-what-you-can, locally sourced diner.
Here is the menu for the day I was there.
A tasty meal for a reasonable price. 
Technically, you pay whatever you are able to pay, but
they have a suggested plate price that I thought was 
quite reasonable.

busted out the race legs from winter storage, and ran the first
race of the year. the four mile Chili Chase
I appreciate that the swag for this race is socks, instead of
yet another race t-shirt. And after the run, there's chili to eat!
Veggie chili option provided!

The timing chip always goes on the left shoe.
I don't know what would happen if I didn't put it
on my left shoe, but I don't want to tempt fate and find out.

An unseasonably warm Sunday in February.
Great running weather!
I've been doing a lot of treadmill training, and so finished
with one of my better times for a four mile run.
Not record breaking, but good.
Particularly after the winter chill, when my workout routine is
a bit less vigorous.

Which brings me to my latest cause of distress.
I got my temporary crown put in.
I hate it. I really hope the permanent one causes less misery.

The different coloured tooth is the new fake tooth.
Somehow my tooth had gotten a fracture, which is why I 
was suddenly having some pain. It was a tooth that had
some rather large, old, gnarly looking fillings in it, so
maybe the time factor on old, big fillings caused a crack.

Anyway, this one is temporary.
They drilled away the enamel from my tooth, took
impressions and lots of imaging with some high tech
gadgets, and glued the temporary into my mouth.
I should get the permanent one installed by the end of the month.

In the meantime, I will just eat yogurt and bananas and hummus,
because it's uncomfortable to eat anything else.
And I don't want to risk it falling out before it's supposed to come out.
So, with all the running and the mushy new diet, I've actually lost a few pounds.

This past Saturday, I got up at 430AM, got some coffee, and
drove the White Whale to Savanna, Illinois to judge in the 
solo and ensemble contest for Northern Illinois.
I had to go through an online testing and certification module the 
night before, as I was called in last minute to fill in for the
other saxophone center judge, who had become sick.

I'm not new to judging. I've worked for several events like this, but
up until now, it had been only for local schools.
This was my first state level event.
They let us use Chromebooks to make comments and
submit our scores.
So much easier on my scribbling hand!
I don't mind hand-writing my comments, but this was so
much faster and efficient. And my arm wasn't dead by the end of the day.

Judge Jennifer, at your service.
Play well, kids!

The students were great.
Well-behaved and polite.
I heard some very good solos too.

Some weather this week resulted in some amazing skies.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I must perform my skin care
regimen. This old face won't moisturize itself.

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