Monday, December 18, 2023

Saxophones, Clarinets, and Pears

haha, just kidding.
Or am I?

Christmas time.
Time for Christmas Dave.

Quick shout out about a great moisturizer.
Belif is one I keep coming back to. Even though I've tried many
kinds of moisturizers, I really like this kind.
Feels great, doesn't leave a greasy residue.

Okay, now onto the important stuff.
First, Saxophone Christmas!
Year 7, I think.

Which means seven years with my soprano saxophone!

The antlers are coming in nicely.

Going through my bookshelves. A bit of a clear out.
Found this book and read a bit of it.
Will definitely keep this one and read it to the end.
It's also a signed copy, an autograph from the
author is on the inside cover.

Band practice.
someday I'll show you more about this mystery band.

Band Froot season!
Got myself some pears and apples and oranges.

They just don't make holiday cards like they used to.

Some hot buttered rum and couch time. Tis the season.

This past week has been a lot.
I finished and sent to printer the jazz newsletter, met with students for
lessons, and played two gigs, the first with a sax quartet for a 

I was also able to send the semi-annual donation to the local food bank.
And was able to give a bit more than I have been in the past.
Share if you are able.
No one deserves to be hungry.

The second gig was in Ely, Iowa for a dance club.
The crowd was great! Very fun to play for.
We somehow ended up without a proper
music stand, so I had to use this lectern. Kind of awkard,
but it did the job. 

If I look tired, it's because I am!

But I can't rest just yet....

A generous person gave me this bass clarinet.
It needs some work at the repair shop, but it played well
enough for christmas tunes at the mall.
So, I gave it a workout at the second annual Clarinet Christmas!

By the numbers, there were 91 saxophones at Saxophone Christmas, 
and about 70 clarinets at Clarinet Christmas.

A couple of my students also participated. Clarinet fun!

After the performance I took the bass into the shop
for some repair work.

Then, after a bit of Xmas shopping, I went home and
slept for ten hours.

Closing in on the Solstice and Christmas and New Year's.

Make your list. Check it twice.

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