Sunday, November 3, 2019

Halloween Roundup!

Yaay Halloween!
Let's see how it went!
Night out to see cover band with friends.

I need. More. Eye makeup.
Love the red wig, and the fedora gave me Freddie vibes.

But I was wearing skeleton gear and a tutu.
Seen here with my llama and pirate friends.

Post-cover band beer at the bar next door.

Yaar! It was a rough day at sea!

A Hell's Angel. Literally.

And now a shameless parade of spooky theme photos...

Filters are fun.


One of these is not a filter... 8^0

Unrelated, I just got home from a showing of Mystery Science Theater 3000 LIVE!
B movies, puppets and snark! 🎵These are a few of my favorite things!!🎵

We watched "No Retreat, No Surrender", a weird, funny martial arts movie from the 80s, with Jean-Claude van Damme and Bruce Lee's ghost. I actually was familiar with this movie, thanks to an Obscurus Lupa review. Circus themed breaks featured the puppet-robots with funny gags and songs.

And now begins the unbearable slide into boredom and winter and endless Christmas carols...

Stay spooky, 'Lopes!

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