Sunday, June 4, 2017

Goodbye, Stuff

Declutter. Minimize. Give away. Donate. Sell.

I have been getting rid of my stuff for the past several years. Every time I think I have my stuff level down to where I want it, I look around and find more stuff I don't use, need, want or love. I think this is largely due to my changing personal style and an evolution of how I regard things.

Books and CDs used to be incredibly important to me. Books still are important, but I've realized that I don't need to keep every single book I've read. So away went about 6 boxes of books. My shelves are still full of books, but not crammed full and only contain the books I regularly use or that have had a profound  impact on my life.

CDs are still important, but I don't listen to them the way I used to. So much media is available on the Internet now, so having hard copies of music is a bit less critical. My current apartment has less space for CD shelves, so many of the CDs that have survived several purge sessions are now contained in a clear plastic tote box. Still readily accessible, which I think makes a huge impact on whether stuff is used or not.

I gave away a box of acrylic paints and a toaster oven. Earlier this week a huge bag of clothes went to he Salvation Army. Today, a carload of stuff went to a local Unitarian Church who is holding a rummage sale.

You'd think I wouldn't have anything left. But I do. Still plenty of stuff occupies my space. I don't think I could ever embrace the true minimalist style. I like having stuff. Empty walls with no artwork or pictures is dreadfully boring to me. I love color! But I like having less stuff. I am happier now with only the stuff that has stayed with me through several purge sessions and that has passed many tests of joy-sparking, usefulness, and what suits my life right now, at this moment.

My apartment feels airier, my closet and dresser drawers are roomier. I can find things when I need them. I know what I have and where it is. There may be another purge session or two left in me, but right now, I am okay with my level of stuff.

What I have learned from this seemingly never-ending exercise is that the stuff you carry with you in your life should have some sort of purpose. Either the thing is useful, beautiful, makes you happy, or is necessary to reach your goals. I have also learned to be choosier when accumulating more stuff. I try to now only buy those things that I sincerely love. I have begun to pay attention to when I feel like shopping, even when I don't really need anything. Am I bored? Anxious? Stressed? Maybe I'm just thirsty. When this feeling arises, I try to come up with something more constructive to occupy my time.

I have some hefty goals for the coming years, and I feel like I have the stuff necessary to go after them.

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